A Few thoughts of my Father...

A Few thoughts of my Father...
Because You Never Know Who's Reading!

About Me

My photo
Gilbertsville, PA, United States
It is only by the grace of God that I am sitting here today and writing this. I thank Him for all He has done and is doing, and WILL DO in my life, and it is my prayer that anyone who is reading this today, whether you are a scrapbooker I know, on a Design Team with me, a co-worker, a friend from church, or someone who thinks they are reading this "by coincidence," I want you to know that God loves you, and once you know Him, nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Thanks for visiting me here. Love, Cindy


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Family's Mission Statement

As a Challenge to the Members and Design Team at Christian Crafters, I asked them all to write a "Mission Statement" about thier family goals.  Here is my submission:

We all know the right things to do, but somehow, we don't have the strength to carry them out. By writing them down, we are making a commitment! 

What will you commit your family to today?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some of my "artwork" from ChristianCrafters

Hi friends,
I've been very busy with my paper-crafting hobby the past week or so.  With my husband out of town, I've had plenty more time on my hands, and I ven stayed up ALL NIGHT last night to work on this album:

On Monday, I start my Seminary program, and will be taking course in sermon writing, preaching, evangelism...and I have been praying and praying that I would hear from God about what I should be "preparing," and trying to understand that the Holy Spirit will inspire me and speak God's Word THROUGH me as long as I am sensitive to Him.

This little book, each page made of a different material (as I will be teaching on different material!  Get it?!)  will hold the different topics, scriputers, etc., that God gives me to share.  So far, I've only done the cover, adn 3 of the pages.  Here's the page that is opposite the inside cover.  Wnjoy another side of Cindy!

I'll update as I go along.  Thanks for sharing my journey with me` You are a very special bunch of friends I have here, so MANY THANKS!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


That's the name of the new PASTORAL COUNSELING AGENCY I'm working on starting-up through a secular counseling center, that happens to be owned by a born-again Believer and follower of Jesus Christ!  SOMEHOW OR OTHER (Holy Spirit, maybe?!?) he had 'heard" that I was availbe to do pastoral or Chirstian counseling, and had his Intern track me down!  She had the wrong phone number for me, so called every
Buchanan' in the local phone book, until my phone rang, and, after I said hello, I heard, "Please tell me there's a CIndy in this house who's a therapist!?!?!"
"OK!  I said. "I'll tell you that!"
So, a meeting was scheduled, discussions were had, prayers were shared and lifted up, and eventually, an agreement that I would commit to see clients there who called specifically looking for help with spiritual concerns.  Who doesnt' have spiritual concerns or hurts and one time or another?  I have approached many of the churches in my area, and most of them especially the larger churches, feel that they are self-sufficicent, able to meet all of th eneeds fo their parishioners.  My own beloved church has many 'support-type' groups available, including GriefShare, Divorce Care, 
Celebrate Recovery, you name it, plus a Marriage Ministry, and of course some of the associate Pastors do some brief counseling.  BUt sometimes people need to go to a trained professional who is both educated in the sound principles of psychothera[y, and solution-focused pastoral counseling!  Our church DOES refer such people out to a licensed psychologist, Praise God!  But many local churches just won't refer people out, and say its because they 'don't know you!"  I UNDERSTAND!  So, let's get together, meet a few times, and GET to know each-other, and then you, Pastor_______, can prayerfully consider whether you feel I'm a trustworthy individual!  Such did the Pastor of a local United Methodist Church, and by the end of our meetingm he agreed to 'cautiously ' make a referral at some point!  That's all I can ask for!
I hope you'll all pray for hurting spirits, searching for the Truth, will come into a Place of Grace.

Father God, thank you for opening doors!  I have been searching and seeking out your will for my life;  looking at where you are working and going there with you!  I pray, in  the name of Jesus, that you will bless this new ministry that you have entrusted to my care.  Let me minister to others as Your light shines through me.   Let Place of Grace be a lamp unto someone's way today.  I pray these things in the name of your Precious Son.  Amen.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Its Grace...

I was sitting at this computer tonight, listening to a Michale W. SMith CD, and I heard him sing,

"Its grace, your grace,
I'm nothing without You!
Your grace, Your grace
shines on me!
Shines on me, shines on me!
Your grace shines on me..."

And I had to stop what I was doing, and I lifted my hands and my face to God, and thanked Him for His grace...the grace that saved me, and sees me through every single day of my life... and I thanked Him for all He is doing in my life...for the many ways He is has blessed me, how He is using me and entrusting me with His ministry, and its only by His grace that any of it is possible...And I fell into that place where God's love was just pouring into my heart and filling me as I've never been filled before, and I could never feel too much of the fullness of God...and even though "its" not supposed to be about emotions, I felt my heart well up with tears that never came out, for they were the love of God in my heart.  And I didn't want to ever lose the feeling I had right then and there, and I don't ever have to!  Because God doesn't only pour out His love now and then, but every single time I call on His name...So I pray that I will never, ever forget the way I feel at this very moment, so I can take the love of God that's inside me and share it with anyone and everyone who needs to hear how much God loves them.

For God so loved the world...

Friday, October 9, 2009

God Keeps His Promises!

I have experienced the Love of God so mightily in my life lately, that I can barely find the words to express it!
While I have been a Christian for nearly 15 years now, it is only recently that I have felt a true ONENESS with Jesus-- that real and genuine personal relationship that I have sought for so, so long...that Peace of God that passes all human understanding is finally mine!  So, why didn't I claim this for myself  long ago?

Have YOU claimed God's promises, any of many, for yourself lately?

There are a few things that God does NOT promise, for example, He doesn't promise us a stress-free, worry-free, pain-free life.  That doesn't mean that He wishes or CAUSES us to suffer or worry, but He doesn't always step in to rescue us when we do face trials.  In James 1:1, He tells us that the testing of our faith develops perseverance, maturity, and character!  Sometimes I think I should have so much character by now, that I really don't need any more trials!

But, when God's love comes pouring down, when He comes down, breaks through, satisfies, cleanses, makes whole, redeems, and delivers....!  WOW!  It sure makes up for the little problems we face, and even most of the big ones.

God promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us; that whatever we pray that is in accordance with His will, He will do it!; that whenever two or more of us are gathered in His name, there He will be in our midst!
He promises that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved!; and most importantly, that whosoever would believe in His Son Jesus, will not perish, but have everlasting life!

Of course, there are far too many promises of God to even start to list them all, but just open His Word!  I PROMISE that you won't have to read too many passages before you hit a wonderful promise from God, for YOU!


Check out my new Monthly Magazine Column......!

Hi friends!

You all know by now how much I ADORE writing about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I had submitted an article to an online Christian Magazine. 
After agreeing to print the first article, I was invited by the Publisher (and my new friend) Darlene Osborne, an awesome writer and woman of faith, to continue to submit my writings, and I have now been offered to write
MY OWN MONTHLY COLUMN!!!  It will be called "ARE YOU READY?" and each month I'll be writing about the different challenges we face as Christians today.  So as not to give to much away and spoil the fun, go ahead and take a peek each month, EFFECTIVE THIS MONTH (October 2009!) at the following address:


The publication is filled with inspiration, practical, and motivational articles, by columnists who focus on everything from home-schooling to nutrition (from a Christian perspective, of course!), to poetry.  I adore reading all of the Staff and Guest writers' articles every month, and I'm sure you will too!

I pray that you'll enjoy the magazine, viewable for free,  and that it will be a blessing to you, as it has been to me!


Monday, September 7, 2009

From Anxiety, to PEACE....

Of all the promises God offers us in His Word, the one I have always prayed for and claimed for myself can be found in the book of Phillipians.

"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.  If you do this, then the Peace of God that passes all human understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil.4:6,7  NLT, emphasis added.)

The Peace of God....
How on earth do I get that?

As a professional psychotherapist, I have seen many clients with a variety of complaints, but the problem I found to be almost universally common is anxiety.  Human beings seem to be wired to worry!  We worry about our finances, our health, our children, our relationships-- you name it, someone's worrying about it!
If we'd only get it into our heads that God is the only source of true peace, then we could stop worrying!  Whatever your concern,  God has it handled.  I'm sure you've heard the saying: Let Go, Let God!  But even though God has promised us this peace, If we do as He says above in Philippians, most of us don't claim this promise!  Don't you long for that peace?  Oh, how I longed to receive it!

The book of Psalms is a great source for verses related to the subject of peace.
"For you are my hiding place, you protect me from trouble.  You surround me with songs of victory!" (Psalm 32:7)
"The Lord gives His people strength.  The Lord blesses them with peace." (Psalm 29:11)
" I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe." (Psalm 4:8.)

As I said, I have treated many people with anxiety, or even panic, but I also have had a personal relationship with anxiety.  Before I had a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and before I finally experienced the peace that only He can provide, I worried about anything and everything!  I was scared to death of life, and scared to death of death!  "What am I doing here?"   Oh, I can't even tell you how many nights I tossed and turned, worrying about my future.  God addresses this worry of the future for us too.
"For I have  a plan for you, a plan to prosper you, and not to harm you.  A plan to give you a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11.)  I repeat this verse over and over again, when things aren't going my way, and I just praise His name that he is in control, that He does have a plan to prosper me, and that anything else I am told about my future is a total LIE of the enemy!  God's promises are for you!  And for me, too!  As a matter of fact, they are for anyone who believes!!!  STAND ON HIS PROMISES!

To be at peace with someone, be it a spouse, parent, friend, or God, is to be in a harmonious relationship with them.. When we ask Jesus Christ to come into our lives, to cleanse us of our sins, and make us brand new creations in Him, we are requesting. and should seek out, a harmonious relationship with God.  You may have accepted Jesus as your Savior, but do you really know Him?  What does a relationship with God look like, and what do you have to do to really be in relationship with God?

First of all, you must believe that not only does God exist, but that YOU MATTER to Him!  He created you in His image (Gen.1)!  You are His child, and He is your Father!   Knowing this, consider prayer.  And I don't mean the kind of repetitive prayer, that was written in some prayer book written by man, I mean REALLY TALKING TO GOD! Tell Him what you are thinking!  He already knows anyway, so you don't have to worry that He'll be shocked by whatever you tell Him.  Tell Him what your true desires are.  Tell Him that you are so grateful to Him for saving you, for making you whole!  Tell Him what you need!  He'll take care of it, if it is in accordance with His will!  But remember this:  if all you do is talk to God in the morning for a minute or two, and then get off of your knees, out to your job or to see to your children, without giving any thought to the fact that God may be TALKING BACK...then you are missing out on a giant part of the relationship!
I remember going out on a first date with a young man that my sister "fixed me up" with.  We went out to dinner together, and as soon as we sat down at the table, he began to tell me all about himself.  I was meeting him for the first time, so of course I wanted to know some things about him.  But because he was so busy talking, to the extent that I never got a word in edgewise, he left that dinner date, not knowing a single thing about me!   I figured he didn't care.  And so it is with God.  If you talk to God, without intently listening with anticipation at what He wants to say to you, you will not get to know what His will is for you, and you will not feel that you have a good relationship, and although I have no proof of this, I imagine that He might wonder why you don't listen.  Relationships go both ways!  Its all about conversation, meditation, communication~~ waiting on God to answer your prayers!  After a while, you'll start to be more sensitive to times when God is trying to show you something, and you WILL hear from Him more often!  And when you are in an ongoing dialogue with Jesus Christ, only then can you really feel that peace...the peace of God that passes all understanding.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


...and all the time, GOD IS GOOD!!!

You'll probably notice that its been well over a week since I've posted anything here, which is highly unusual.
Due to a freaky car accident back in July, I have been in and out of the hospital, as many of you know, and was BACK in all this past week.

As listing all of my ailments does NOT glorify God--after all, He neither caused nor desired them to occur-- I am only writing to PRAISE HIM for all of the things that HAVE HAPPENED TO ME!!!!


Why praise God?  Well, besides the fact that He allowed me to survive a nearly-fatal car accident, HEALED me from ALL MY WOUNDS, and COMFORTED ME through it all, He also did so many other things, so may I share?

While lying in a hospital bed, He USED ME.  While I could barely moved, I was privileged to lead someone to the Lord and rejoice with them (and the angels!)  I met a Pastor whose church is in a large Jewish community, and when she found out that I, too, was raised Jewish, asked me to share about my conversion, and how she might reach out the the unbelievers in her area.   I had the opportunity to counsel, provide encouragement, witness to and PRAY for a woman who is in the last weeks of her life.  (She asked me, "How long is this prayer going to BE?!?!?!--there were a LOT of needs!)  I have had awesome conversations with my Pastor, who was faithful to visit me, no matter how far he had to drive, even the week his son and daughter-in-law brought a new life into the world!  (Many thanks, Pastor Steve-- I will never forget your kindness...)

I had time to read the New Testament cover-to-cover, all in one week, had 3 visits from a new, dear friend and AMAZING WOMAN OF GOD! (Thank you my sweet Anna!)  She listened to my every whine and groan, but mostly, we PRAISED GOD for providing us with deliverance from many past hurts, and for the wonderful work He has done in both our lives, and just for bringing us together...

...and the list goes on.

So, thank you, Father God, for bringing me to this wonderful place I call my temporary home.  For allowing me to be back with my family, stronger than ever before: Stronger in my body, but more important, stronger than ever in my knowledge of You!  Stronger in my Spirit, my witness, my testimony, and recovery!  Thank you for loving me, even when I wasn't even able to pray.  And thank you, as always, for sending us your Son Jesus.  In His precious name,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A bit about witnessing...

I don't generally care to be redundant, but when it comes to God showing up, breaking through and changing lives, how can I not?  How can I not say "THANK YOU JESUS" for saving my life, for healing my body and spirit, and restoring my marriage?  How can I possibly not repeat, over and over, all of the things that God has done in my life?  How He never, ever fails to amaze me with his love, that I did absolutely nothing to deserve, yet He continues to pour out so freely only because I believed?

Who wouldn't want to continuously boast about the glorious Son of God, without whom I can do nothing, but WITH WHOM I CAN DO ALL THINGS?

It is not just a matter of desire that I say these things tonight, but one of obedience.  God tells us over and over again in His Word, to tell others about Him.  Those of us who are familiar with the Scripture to some degree, have read this many times, yet so many are reluctant to talk to other people about what their Savior, Jesus Christ, has done in their lives! 

I was recently picking up a new pair of glasses at the local mall, and overheard a couple talking about the delicious dinner they had just finished.  They said they were completely stuffed, and really needed a nap!  Funny how good food universally makes us want to sleep!  So, being the "social butterfly" that I tend to be (which sometimes seems to embarrass my poor husband and son, who remember "not to talk to strangers...) I asked them where they had eaten.  They made the food sound SO GOOD, I was ready to run wherever they had been to ahve my own dinner there!  They were so happy to tell me about the place, the great service they had, the reasonable prices... As a matter of fact, they had no complaints!  And because of their strong recommendation, I'm likely to try this place out sometime soon!  Likewise, had I had a similar experience, I'd certainly tell my friends!

I have been given a story to tell, too.  Mine isn't about a restaurant, though.  Mine is about the Creator of the Universe!  The Savior of the world!  My Provider, The Wonderful Counselor, the Lamb of God, the
bright and Morning Star!!!!!
If you had just eaten the most tender of steaks, with yummy sweet potatoes smothered in creamy butter and cinnamon-sugar, with a side of freshly-picked snap peas from the garden at a new restaurant, and would tell a stranger in an eyglass store about it, then why woudn't you be even more anxious to tell a good friend, or even a stranger,  the story of Jesus, the Bread of Life?!?  (Can you tell I'm in the mood to go to Outback?!)

"Isn't witnessing a job for trained people, like Pastors or something?"
2 Corinthians 5:18-21 tells us "We are Christ's ambassadors...God uses us to speak to you."  Every believer is an 'ambassador' of Christ to a non-believing world.

"I wouldn't know what to say!  What if people think I'm too pushy?"
In the Bible, even those who knew Jesus best sometimes struggled and hesitated to witness.
"...but no one had the courage to speak favorably about him (Jesus) in public."  (John 7: 12-13)
But still, they did!  Your anxiety or nervousness is natural.  We all sometimes struggle with the possibility of being rejected or being seen as foolish.  The following verse helps me out when this lie creeps into my mind as I speak with someone. I think this is the 3rd time I am quoting this in the past week, so God must think its important, or He wouldn't keep putting it on my heart!
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because they do as God requires. (Matt. 5:10)  We should expect that non-believers may or will reject what we have to say.  But consider this:  what if they wouldn't have rejected you? What if they are open to hearing, are seeking God, and you fail to open your mouth that day?  And may I even go so far as to suggest that Jesus could return any day now, and what if He does, just as you are walking away from those expectant strangers, and you just made a decision not to do your job?  The answers to these questions have ETERNAL SIGNIFICANCE!  Understanding, of course, that we could not save ourselves, and we certainly can't save anyone else, and that nobody's blood is on your hands,  don't you think you would have kicked yourself, and said, "What if...?"
In Matthew 18:12-14, we read...."it is not my Father's will that even one of these little ones should perish."  He wants us to tell others how they can know Him! So,  tell them!
The Apostle Paul is a great example of a witness to Jesus through his actions as documented in the Book of Acts.  Here was a Jewish man, who had previously committed to persecuting as many Christians as he could.  But immediately after God met him on the road to Damascus,  he immediately began to testify that Jesus IS the Messiah!  And he never stopped witnessing.
"..a large number of people came to Paul's house.  He told them about the Kingdom of God and taught them about  Jesus from the Scriptures." (Acts 9:1-28; 28:20-31)
And the stories of his testimony go on and on...

Maybe you are thinking this: I've witnessed to friends before, but they don't seeem interested.
I will agree that most of my own friends really don't want to hear another word about my Jesus, and so maybe telling them isn't the answer!  For me, the answer is this:  My actions are, in themselves, a testimony to the world. 
Good or bad, once you tell people you are a Christian, all eyes are on you, and they are just waiting...waiting for you to make one big mistake!  They are waiting for you to be impolite, unforgiving, hypocritical, and just out and out sinful, so that they can call you on it!  What does this mean to me? It means I had better get out there, every single day of my life, after spending a good amount of time in prayer, and try to live out my life, one moment at a time, in a way that lines straight up with God's Word; in a way that allows for God to use me in any way He sees fit; in a way that is without reproach, being fully aware that I am still living in a world filled with temptation and evil.  And through it all, pray that the light of Jesus will shine through me. 

I started this by saying that I don't like redundancy, but I think this bears repeating: Your actions are, in themselves,  a testimony to the world!  If you want to reach the world for Christ, be sure that your actions are not making people think, "I wonder what's wrong with her?!?!"  But instead, let the world look on, maybe scratch their heads, and say, "I don't know what she's got, but whatever it is, I WANT IT TOO."

So, Father God, thank you so much for the words you have impressed upon me to share tonight.  I know I am not always the best example of terrific Christian living, but Lord, I do try.  And inasmuch as I know that I have not nearly arrived, I know that you have me on a wonderfully exciting journey.  I'm not certain of what you have in store for me, but I'll take whatever it is as it comes, and carry it out with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.  I know that I may stumble along the way, but Lord, I know that you are with me, and you will direct my path.  Let my daily actions be pleasing in your sight, and please, Father God, give me the courage to continue to speak out, to reach a lost and dying world for you.  Please forgive me where I have failed you, as I will work to correct those things you have so lovingly revealed to me, and let me be a light unto someone's way, that they might come to know the life-giving love that can only come from the acceptance of  Jesus Christ.  For there is no way to the Father but through your Son Jesus.  And it is in His name I pray.  Amen.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


It is SUCH a great day! Joshua is home from camp, I am not in the hosptial, and Lew doesn't have some big project planned for the day! Its a little gloomy and rainy, but I like it that way now and then! It somehow brings our family closer together, as we gather together, rather than look for actvities out in the world.
So, at this time of the morning, as my husband and I are getting ready to share in a cup of coffee together (well, we'll actually have or own cups, and we won't be in them!) I'll just update you, my friends, on some fun and exciting news!

Since 1998, I have had a calling on my heart to go back to Graduate School to gain more knowledge of the Bible, teaching biblical principles, and/or Christian Counseling. It must not have been in God's time, because roadblock after roadblock would come my way. I was accepted into one particular program, and one week before classes were to begin, I received a letter with "rules" about the school, whcih included something like, "any use or discussion of the so-called 'gifts of the Spirit,' particularly speaking in tongues, is not acceptable and will not be tolerated on our Campus." And so I called, and politely withdrew from the program. "So-called gifts?" Who the heck...? WHAT the heck?! Anyway, I figured that if God had wanted me to study at that time, he'd have made a path, and so it has gone a few times down the road.


S, I'll just backtrack for a second: while I was in the hopsital, I "happened" to see a program on the Discovery Health Network about "A Night in the Life of an Trauma Department Chaplain." Now, you DO know me well enough to know hat I do NOT believe in coincidences, and so, as a therapist, a Christian, and a recent patient in a Trauma Unit, I knew I was supposed to watch it, and I found it fascinating! I never thought much about Chaplaincy. I DO know that when I was in the secular world, and had to be in the hospital, I was always asked if I would like the Chaplain to come and visit me, and I replied with a resounding "NO!"

So, I watched this young man on TV. He was in Seminary, and worked night shift at a local hospital, and he'd spend then nights waiting for his beeper to go off, which looked like it happened at the precise second he was finishing counseling with family, back-to-back, evenly-spaced, throughout the night. Leave it to Cable TV! At times, he'd talk into the camera about how his night was going, and he'd comment that he had no idea what he was doing, but just prayed that God would see him through. He was meeting with families whose loved one(s) were either seriously ill or worse, or who may have just passed away in the Emergency Room, or were making decisions whether or not to continue Life Support. He also spoke with some patients, who we grateful to be alive.

What I found most interesting, were his remarks that people tend to seek out God, often for the very first time, and are finally ready when there is a crisis going on. They are desperate to find HOPE in someTHING or someONE, and, in the midst of tremendous fear and grief, they open their eyes, hoping against all hope that the Christian girl at work who has been telling them about Jesus and Heaven all of these years was wrong and that somehow his own son, who had perhaps not ever accepted Jesus, could possibly not have made it up there?! What a horror! And what if YOU were the person that this father was asking? "My son didn't believe in Jesus Christ as his Savior. Do you think he might have gone to Heaven anyway? He was a good kid...just had a few problems..."

Well, now I AM going to learn to minister to these families, perhaps all over the world!  Atttendign Seminary, having not only the time and good fortune, but the requirement to study God's Word, in-depth, every single day, no exceptions, sounds like my dreams come true!  Of course, my unbelieving parents, brothers and sisters, and friends are now attacking my Chirstian beliefs more than ever, and feel I must be brainwashed  to enroll for this program... (Yes, I've been brainWASHED in His Blood!)

"Blessed are those who are persecuted, beacause they do what God requires."
(Matthew 5:10)

So, Father God, I come again to thank you for yet another opportunity, another wonderful path you have set before me.  You have given us each a race-- our own particular race unique to each person, and, God I so love the race you have given me to run!  Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in such an amazing and unbelieveable way!  I pray and trust that you will continue to equip me for this mission, and give me good times of work along with good times of rest.
Thank you, Father, for the knowledge that you are all I need, and that you are always there. And regardless of my circumstances, you make all things wonderful and new.   Please search my heart as I go through this day, and point out anything that is not pleasing to you.  I give it all to you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Giving Thanks.

Growing up, we had, and continue to have a family tradition on Thanksgiving Day, of going around the table, having each person state what they are thankful for that year. For some reason, this seems to make everyone uncomfortable, and turns into a sarcastic joke-session! I look around at my mother, brothers and sisters with their respective beautiful families, and wonder why it is that they can't express their appreciation for all that they have been given and blessed with! I'm not judging, please understand, just curious about WHY they don't feel grateful? They all have great jobs, terrific kids who don't give them any trouble (!) and enjoy excellent health and financial prosperity. Oh, well. I guess sometimes we take these things for granted, and I'm certain I am sometimes guilty of the very same thing.

"So, Cindy, why are you focusing on Thanksgiving when it is only the end of August?"

Because I have SO MUCH to be thankful for, that I am just busting at the seams to express my eternal gratitude to the only one who deserves it. The One who makes it all possible. The One I cannot do a thing without! My Father, Comfortor, Savior and friend.

So, as I sit here in a wheelchair, recovering from 17 broken bones and pneumonia, having just gotten out of the hospital this past Thursday evening, I would like to take the time to THANK HIM.

"Thank Him?! For WHAT?! For letting you suffer?"

Please allow me to explain: God didn't cause my accident, nor did He sit and watch uncaringly as my lungs filled with fluid. Why would I be angry or bitter toward Him? We are not promised a perfectly happy life here on earth, free of any strife, illness, sadness, or even hang-ups!
What He DOES promise, and I receive this promise only because of my BELIEF and FAITH, and NOT because of anything I've done to DESERVE it, is to always be there with me to see me through even the most difficult of situations.

I'm sure that many of you have heard or seen the little story, on a keychain or surrounded by a picture frame perhaps, called "Footprints" or "Footprints in the Sand." For those of you who haven't, basically, it is a poem of sorts, by someone who says that when she is going through easy times, which I call "Mountaintops," she can look down in the sand and see two sets of footprints, her's and God's. But, when tmes get tough, when she goes through the real trials (Valleys, to me) she only sees ONE set of footprints! She asks God, "Why is it that in the worst of times, when I needed you the most, that I only see one set of footprints, and you are no longer walking beside me."

She writes God's answer in this very poignant way: Oh my child, my precious child...at those most difficult times, the times when you see only ONE set of footprints, it is those times that I CARRIED YOU.
Please understand that this is not a scripture passage, but something that someone who chose to remain anonymous, wrote, to express that GOD IS FAITHFUL. Tht despite our circumstances, and no matter that we have done absolutely nothing to deserve this awesome measure of His grace, He does promise in His Word that He "will never leave us or forsake us!"
He loved me before I even knew Him. He saved me from myself and my misguided ways.

He carried me....

So, Father God, I am here today to meet with you, to sit humbly at your throne of mercy and grace, where I dont' deserve to be, but where you give me the privilege to come and speak to and WITH you any time I care to or need to, and you will meet with me and hear my prayers.
I am ever so grateful for the incredible love you have shown me, even during my times of disbelief! I thank you for the time you gave me in the hospital, that even though I lied in bed most of the time, feeling ill in my physical body, that you allowed me to rise above my circumstances and remember that YOU ARE GOD, and YOU ARE ALL I NEED. To remind me that 'God, I CAN'T," but 'God, YOU CAN.' For the constant reminder that your grace is sufficient for me in any and all my situations, and that you have not changed your plan for my life that I WILL PROSPER and I WILL RISE ABOVE my circumstances, no matter how hopeless they may look to me or to others.
I will sing of my love...."You're all I want...You're all I ever needed. You're all I want. Help me know you are near."
Finally, Father, thank you for so many answered prayers, but mostly for one that I have prayed over and over and over again, for the past 15 years. It is my prayer you answered, that the Light of Your Son Jesus would SHINE through me, that others would see His light through the example in my own life, and that perhaps just one other life might be changed, even a tiny bit because of my testimony of what you have done for me. For I know I could not save myself, and I cannot save anyone else, but I can continue to sing of your love, with joy in my heart, and continue on my mission to bring as many people to Heaven with me as I possibly can. Please make me a blessing to someone today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sittin' around, dreaming about Heaven!

Some of my fondest memories of conversations with my son Joshua, now 14, are those we've had about what Heaven will be like! In the Book of Revelation, God pulls back the curtain on the future, for the apostle John, including a glimpse of "a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21.)"  He writes of the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God (Rev. 21:2)   But the images are so foreign, so unimaginable, so ....unbelievable!  Who, but God himself, could possibly conceive of such a place?  So, we always end up bringing it back to earthly terms, and inevitably wind up laughing out loud!

Josh wants to know, if we are at church in Heaven, and he gets a little bored during the Sermon, will he be allowed to go hang out in the lobby for a little while with his buddies? And will they have yummy $1.00 cappuccinos at the "Connections Cafe," like we do at our beloved church?  What if I can't get to sleep at night?  Will we be able to get on the Internet when we want to, or might I be able to do some scrapbooking, one of my little hobbies?  No?  Bummer!  Oh, how we laugh!  "Hey, Mom!  Are we going to have to turn off our cell phones when we go in and out of certain mansions?"  My son hopes there will be signs posted about this, so he doesn't violate any of the rules!  I advised him to put his phone on "vibrate" if he hears a loud trumpet sounding. 


We're told that we'll have "perfect bodies," which will really  be heaven to me, having packed on a few extra pounds over the years!  Will our "bodies" resemble humans in any way, or will be be little smokey spirit waves or something? And, on a more serious note, will I be with my husband and son, or will we even know we ever had those relationships at all?  Will we be in a giant Praise and Worship Service for eternity?  Continuously praising God in song?  Awesome!  That happens to be my favorite past time!  Oh, the conversations we have, just dreaming, pondering, wondering...

It was initially surprising that my dear son and I seem to share some strange fear of Heaven, as most people do about the unknown.  This is one subject that has always fascinated me.   But in my 15 years as a Christian, I have talked to many other Believers about their true feelings about going to Heaven, or their "readiness" to go to Heaven, should Jesus return today, as He very well might!  "Behold! I am coming soon! (Rev. 23:7)  But when?!?  What a cliffhanger ending to an awesome Book!   Most people I've spoken to say that they feel like they should want to go to Heaven right now, to a perfect place to be with our Father, but they almost all agree that they have at least some degree of fear of the unknown that the thought of Heaven presents.  Of all the things to be afraid of in life, I don't think that our Lord would want us to consider Heaven among them.

I have come to this conclusion: I am living out my life with the goal of spending Eternity with God! This is that we all run the race to get!  With God, its not how you start, its how you finish, and I want to finish by spending my eternity with Jesus!  I'm dedicating my life to this!  If God desired for us to know precisely what it would be like for us on a day to day basis, He would have given us that information in His Word, don't you think?   He has so much in store for us, things He can't wait for us to see!  So much time spent preparing...

In times of trouble, many people say that God won't give you more than you can handle,  and I think this applies to the fantastic as well!   What if God pulled that curtain all the way back for us today?  We'd likely be so dumbfounded at the glory of it all, that we'd all wind up crashing our cars into trees or falling down flights of stairs in our utter dismay!   Perhaps God simply wants us to continue to humble ourselves before Him daily until His return, and just be grateful for the provision He has made for our eternity; that tremendous sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ,  without asking so many questions.

That said, I'll try to leave my silly fears and insecurities about the future at the Pearly Gates, and when my name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life, and Jesus says, "Well done, my good and faithful servant," I'll go running into His arms, into His Kingdom, and live happily ever after. Between now and then, however, I believe I'll be springing for that $1.00 cappuccino in our "Connections Cafe" every Sunday...because you never know...!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Prayer, Just Because...

Dear Father God,
As I go to lay my head down to rest, following a difficult and wonderful week, temporarily sick in my physical body, but filled with your Holy Spirit, I come to meet with you. humbly, to give you thanks. As you watch from your throne in Heaven, where you have prepared a place for ME, may your name be glorified here on earth. There will come a time when Jesus will come to meet us in the clouds, and we will be caught up with Him and taken to live with you eternally. And all I had to do to win this wonderful prize, was to simply ask.. to come to you with my childlike faith, even as small as a mustard seed, in as much or as little as I knew of you, and say "Jesus, come into my heart. I can't do this life without you. I know I don't deserve your saving grace, for I have sinned so much. But today, I want to give my life to you. I pray that you will forgive me of my sins. I want to change. Please help me to change and to be more like you. Amen." And in that instant, you sent your Holy Spirit to live in my heart, to direct my path and be my Comforter. So, becasue of the Comforter who lives in me, I could get through this week in the hospital, and rejoice in the knowledge of your plan to prosper me, and in your promise that you will never leave me or forsake me, in a way that no human could ever promise. So many others have dissapointed me, but you could never disappoint. I pray that I will not dissappoint you too much when I awake and start a new day. Please search my heart, and point out anything that is displeasing to you as I go about my day, and I promise to correct it.
Please bless my friends as they go about the business of thier days, and help them and encourage them through their struggles. Use me, Father, in any way you will. I am here, and I will follow you wherever you will lead me, and go wherever you will send me. Please let me be a blessing to even one person in the new day, as I have been so blessed by others in your Kingdom.
In Jesus' precious name, Amen.


I have just returned from a 4-5 day hospital stay, where I was treated for pneumonia. If you've been following, or have known me, you know that the summer of 2009 has been a bit of a physical calamity for me. But for a VERY CLEAR REASON, I am not all that disturbed by it, and actually feel quite content! "Are you crazy, Cindy?" In the hopstial 4 times, 14 broken bones from a car accident, 2 weeks in a rehab, and living in a hospital bed, unable to walk since July 14th, and not again until mid-September???
At most other times in my life, I'd be completely withdrawn, depressed, lonely, and self-pitying. But at THIS time, I'm just fine. Actually, I felt quite lucky to have 5 days completely to myself. I never got so much done! I read the whole Book of Acts (5th Book of the New Testament, about the Early Church,) did a bunch of homework for a Bible Study I'm working on, and was fortunate that the hospital had satellite TV, which carried a Christian TV network 24/7!
It was so funny-- so many staff members commented on my "odd activites," Like waking up way before sunset to pray and read the Bible, singing praise songs quietly while having diagnostic tests performed, etc. One nursing assistant asked, "Have you always been so religious?" I had to laugh, and she didn't get it, but I told her that I am not at all religious but I am a Christian!
Do YOU know what I mean by that? To me, "religion" is about lots of rules and regulations, and repetitive prayers. But that's not what church is like for me. First off, "Church" is not about a building! Its about where YOU, or you and others gather to worship God! Church can take place sitting on our bed, under the stars on a Friday evening, or, yes, in a lovely new building that cost us all a pretty penny to build. God doesn't live in a building, He lives in His people! So, worship in your living room, or worship in a huge church buidling, or worship in the bathtub, but for God's sake, WORSHIP HIM!

I happen to adore going to church, and do everything in my power to get there despite my recent circumstances. Will God be angry with me if I don't? Doubt it! I just enjoy the fellowship of my Christian friends, hearing God's word from the mouths of different annointed Pastors, and to have an opportunity to serve others. In my church, we are free to worship as we please. No strict rules. Come as you are. God will meet you there!
I love to publicly show my love for Him, and thank Him for healing me of pneumonia in 3 days, and delivernig me from so many other things! When I want to tell Him how blessed I am by the sacrifce of his Son, and that because of this, I get to spend Eternity WITH HIM, and I CAN'T WAIT! And I want to scream it to the top of the rafters!
And if I want to sing, "My chains are gone! I've been set free! My God, my Savior has ransomed me! And like a flood, His mercy reigns! Unending love, AMAZING GRACE!" at the top of my lungs, with my arms in the air in submission to Him, and my face turned toward Heaven, then I can go ahead and DO that, and it doesn't matter who likes it or doesn't, because GOD DOES! The Bible tells us that "God inhabits the praises of his people!" DON'T HOLD OUT ON GOD!
To end this, I'll revisit the hospital for a moment. God gave me a Bible verse that helped me through, although I could hae found thousands that would bring me comfort. The verse He gave me in the Emergency Room was this:
"For I have a plan for your life, A plan to prosper you and not harm you, a plan to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11)
Now, did He think I didn't know this? Of course not! I love this verse from the Old Testament. But God wanted to remind me, in that difficult moment that my future was not to include being hooked up to oxygen, IV tubes with antibiotics flowing through them, breathing treatments, and heart monitors.
He was reminding me that He had all of my days planned out before the beginning of the world! And a long tme ago, He showed me that He has awesome plans for me, if I stay within His perfect will. So, all throughout each day, I said to myself over and over, God HAS PROSPERED ME ALREADY. THIS IS NOT MY LIFE. THIS EXPERIENCE DOES NOT DEFINE WHO I AM! THIS IS TEMPORARY.
"For my plan is to give you hope and a future!"
How can you NOT want to follow the one and only God, the Creator of the Universe, the author and perfector of our faith, when He's literally got the while world in His hands, INCLUDING YOU?????
Again, for a free bible or just to chat about how to find God (He is not hiding!) e-mail me with contact info at cbuchanan@dejazzd.com
I'm not a strange psychopath, just a girl, sharing God's love, because I do love Him, and because He told me to.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

God woke me up at 2 AM to write this!

So, out of obedience to Him, I'll be blogging now withno clear idea yet of what He has in mind for me to write! We'll find out together!

For a girl who has spent the past month in a hospital, then a Rehab, with 14 broken bones, and currently living in my Family Room on a hospital bed, you'd think I'd be bored out of my mind! No! I'm very busy!
You see, I have a new job! I could have started it when I was much, much younger, but didn't choose to. Why not, I don't know, because its SO much fun!
The interview was a breeze! All I did was tell the "decision-maker" that I didn't want to do what I used to do, and I really wanted to start working for Him, every day for the rest of my life! I told Him about some problems I've had in the past, that I really wanted to turn away from those things, and He nodded with complete understanding, AS IF HE ALREADY KNEW!
I've got THE BEST BOSS! This guy walks on water! He can do no wrong!
And if you LOVE variety, you'd love my job, too! Every day is different! Some days I make lots of phone calls, and I just get to chat with people. Other days, I have a lot of reading to do. Most of it is from the same Book, but other times, I read about what other people,THINK about that Book! I listen to great music all day, that just warms my heart and makes me feel good, and, while my Boss doesn't sing out loud much, as far as I know, he REALLY seems to enjoy listening to Me sing! As if I am singing to Him! So, I do!
One downside is that I don't get a weekly paycheck. I don't mind though, because the benefits are the best in town! See, he's a doctor--sometimes even called "The Great Physician," and has healed so many people of their afflictions, myself included! He gives you free wisdom and care for LIFE, so that you always know exactly what to do Sounds crazy, I know, but its like having this awesome free GPS for your life: one that never gives you the wrong directions! For examle, I realy want to go to Heaven one day, so I can punch "h e a v e n" into my GPS, and get clear instructions on how toget there! LOL! And talk about retirement benefits! We have been promised a MANSION to live in FOREVER! On a street paved with gold! There are many, many mansions available,if you're interested in looking into this! No closng costs, taxes, or any hidden costs!
At first, my husband didn't want me to sign on with this man, because part of the contract is that I give 10% of all of my income to HIM! Whoever heard of PAYING someone whose work you do? But the more I give to him, the more rewards I seem to get!?!
The following is a true story, I promise!: One month, we didn't have enough money in my account to pay our personal bills,let alone this 10% promise. I felt terrible! I know He expects that 10% My husband (who signed-on too)) and I sat beside each other, looking at the low balance in our checkbook. We happened to be sitting in church at the time, so we decided to PRAY about what to do. ... We KNEW we didn't have the money to give 10% away, and with what we did have, I had really wanted to buy some new shoes. I had just had bunion surgery, and all of my shoes were now a size too small, and were just killing my right foot! But, we said we'd give our 10%, and so we did, wondering how we'd make it through the week, with little in the fridge, and a few unpaid bills.
So, this was on a Sunday. Three days later (I kid you not) I went to check the mail, quickly so as to avoid looking at any bills, and saw something that looked like a bill, but I didn't recognize the return address, so, curiously, I opened it.
In this envelope was a letter from my health insurance company, telling me that I had OVERPAID a hospital bill, and "Enclosed, please find a refund check in the amount of $2,365.29." Over two-thouand dollars?!?!
Weren't we just sitting in church looking at the sorry little balance in our checking account? So, I did get one pair of shoes, and the next week, we were able to give this fabulous guy 35%!

So, if you are laughing along with me, perhaps nodding your head in agreement that this kind of thing happens to you, too, I'll be right back with you!

BUT, if you are still thinking," What the heck is this girl talking about?! She's off her rocker!" then read carefully please!

To you who are wondering about my crazy story, let me clarify: Everything I've said about my "Boss" is true. 100%. And if He sounds pretty cool to you, let me tell you more.

He is the Creator of the Universe! Yes, God Himself! Don't believe in Him? Not sure? Neither was I, until I was 31 years old (about 15 years ago.) I WANTED to know Him, but I had some concerns?

1- does He really even exist?
2- Is the Bible really true, or just a bunch of stories some guys with beards wrote to explain what science couldn't?
3- Or are you thinking," With all of the junk I've done in my life, how could God ever want anything to do with me?
Please allow me to address your very valid concerns.
1--YES, God does exist! He reveals Himself to each one of us every day through His wonderous Creation! I can tell you stories of the things He has done in my life, MIRACLES beyond what I could have ever imagined, but I'm not a Pastor or Minister who can answer this in a "professional way. But if you send me an e-mail at the address below, I'll send you some info that should end your wonder forever. Meanwhle, go dig out your copy of The Bible-most people have one somewhere in the house, and start reading inthe Gospel of John (the 4th Book in the New Testament, for more fabulous info about the Character of Jesus.)
2--Have you been "SO BAD" that God could never forgive you? ABSOLUTELY NOT! God writes in His Word, "For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!," and " There is No one righteous, NO NOT ONE!" (Emphasis added.) If you've ever known a priest, Reverend, nun, or someone who seems "SO HOLY!"--believe me, God is telling us that NO ONE is without guilt! He forgives murderers, rapists, child molesters--anyone who seeks Him confesses their sins, REPENTS, or TURNS AWAY from their sins, and sincerely ASKS Him into their heart WILL BE SAVED! Remember my "job interview?" Just tell Him what's in your heart! He already knows it all anyway! Just get honest, tell him you are FINISHED with that old sinful life! It doesn't matter if you've done things you're not proud of! Maybe you're a nice girl but you tend to drink a little heavily, or when your wife nags you in the morning, you may have lashed out at her physically once or twice? Whether you've been unfaithful to your husband, stolen to buy drugs, or maybe you are living a pretty clean life, but just CRAVE that closeness with God and havn't been able to find Him? GOD LOVES YOU! He loves you SO MUCH that he allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, DIE for you!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that WHOEVER would BELEIVE in him would not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE! (John 3:16- emphasis added.) WHOEVER means YOU! And ME! Whoo Hoo! THANK HIM for sacrificing His Son for your sins! That's how easy it is to start walking with (and WORKING for) God!

If you are ready to FINALLY live a full and happy life, walking hand in hand with God, all you have to do is say a little prayer, perhaps something like this: (or simply recite this out loud!):

Dear God. I believe that you are the one and only God! I believe that you sent your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. Right now, I turn away from my sins. Please forgive me for my sins, and change my heart! Please come into my life today and forever! In every way that I know how, I give my life to you today. Amen.

AMEN! That means "And So IT IS DONE!"

If you've just prayed that prayer and made a decision to turn your life over to the care of God, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you TELL SOMEONE!!! God instructs us to do this, but not only that, who wouldn't want to share such woderful news?! That YOU are now a Child of the Living God?! HOW COOL?!
Now, what about those people who might think you are "weird" for making such a decision? Forget about anyone who would try to bring you down right now. EVIL DOES EXIST in the world, and someone may try to take away your joy, but DO NOT LET THEM!
Next, you'll want to get a copy of the Bible. Will you let me send you a copy for free? I don't ever accept any money for sharing God's Word, and I am not writing for any particular church or other group, so you can feel comfortable that I will ONLY send a plain copy of the Bible, with no personal opinions. Just e-mail me at cbuchanan@dejazzd.com, and you can leave your address, or even your phone number if you want to talk more about this. (Sorry, but I can only call US and Canadian numbers...)
Finally, this Sunday, find a church to attend! Tell someone you are a new Christian! They will rejoice with you! You may need to visit several churches before you find one that feels like "home," so take your time!

I started this post by saying " don't know what God wants me to write about. Now, I have no question! It was well worth waking up in the middle of the night, to spend a few hours writing this, if even ONE HEART BEGINS to think about God, even just a little bit.


Becoming more sensitive to the Holy Spirit...!

Sound easy? You'd think that if The Holy Spirit, who lives IN me wanted me to be aware of something, to be discerning of a need of a friend or stranger, or even of a situation I need to remove myself from or get involved in, He'd make it His business to make that pretty darned clear to me, right?
I wish it was that easy for me! Does it come easy to you?

I know that I've spent over a decade praying for discernment, wisdom, words of knowledge, and while I have been blessed with some spritual gifts, and some much moreso than others, I STILL wake up some days, saying,"Holy Spirit, where ARE you? Why do I not hear from you more often? Why am I not as sensitive to you as I have been in the past? Are You not showing yourself to me becasue I have grieved You in some way?"
It is those very mornings, or seasons, that I know I must do more than pray, do more than "get in the Word" more, do MORE than sing His praises all day long, and even do more than tell everyone I meet about what my Jesus as done for me!
What more is there to do? Great question that I began to ask myself just in the past year. The answer for ME was simple: LIVE EVERY MINUTE AS A HOLY SPIRIT MINUTE! I began to start my days in a whole new way, with the following prayer (or something like this): Good Morning dear Lord. Thank you for yet another day to walk with you watching me, walking alongside me, and living IN me, guiding my every move. Holy Spirit, may I seek your leadership in every word that comes from my lips, in every way I look at someone or answer a question...May I follow your direction in the decisions with every penny I spend, where I park my car, what and whom I pray for, and even every phone call I make. May all of my CHOICES that I have the free will to make every second of this day, be wholly pleasing to You. PLEASE convict me of any sin I may commit BEFORE I am tempted to do it! I repent now of any thing going on in my life that is displeasing to you. Please reveal any such sin to me!, and may I live out the rest of this day, minute by minute, with MY will in sync with YOUR Perfect Will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

I know of no better way to get my day started off on the right foot! WITH HOLY SPIRIT POWER! If you've already gotnit, why not USE it?!

Many years ago, I was in the Ladies Room of a little Baptist Church in Spanish Fort, AL where I was attending a weekly Bible study. There was a poster on the wall with Praying Hands, and a poem. While I can no longer recall each word of the poem, I'll never ever forget the message. It was about a woman who had a very busy day ahead. Get the kids ready for school lunches made, carpools, then off to work..."I've got So much to do, I haven't got time to pray!" she expressed to a friend. Her friend replied with something like this,"Me too. I have errands to run, then I'll go take care of my sick mother, grocery shopping, teach 5 piano lessons..." And then (I'll never forget this part,) "I've got SO much to do, I HAVE to take time to pray!"

So, with that in mind: Friends, May the one and only Living God richly bless you and your family today, in all you do and say. And Father God, as so many have blessed ME this week, please make me a blessing to those whose paths I'll cross today. Let the Light of the World shine brightly through me everywhere I go. May I not make one single choice without first checking-in with the Holy Spirit of God, and gaining Your approval. And may the angels have many opportunities to rejoice, as one by one, more people come running to You, and say "Jesus, come into my life. I give You my heart today. I know that you came to die for my sins. Thank you for saving me. I turn away from my old ways, and in as much as I know how at this moment, I will live my life for You." Amen.

If you've never prayer a prayer like the one above, inviting Jesus into your life, you are at the start of a WONDERFUL JOURNEY, and you will never, EVER be alone again, becasue by praying that prayer, the Holy Spirit now LIVES IN YOU and will guide you and comfort you!
I would love to send you a Bible and have the opportunity to help you get started in your new life as a Christian. Please send me an e-mail at cbuchanan@dejazzd.com and I'll consider it a privilege to talk to you if you want to send me a phone number, or just stay in touch by e-mail.
*PLEASE NOTE: This is a personal Blog, where I just write what God puts on my heart each day. I do not accept any donations of any kind, and this Blog has no interest in any particular church, political, or special interest group. Bibles are sent free of charge, as God has given this to me as a small ministry. May you have a blessed day.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


I don't know about you, but I have been through many seasons in my life when I've felt lonely, and other times when I've felt utterly and desperately ALONE in the world. Like nobody cared about me, and if happened to fall off the face of the eartt, nobody would care, or maybe nobody would even notice!
Do you know where I'm coming from? Ever had a day/week/month (or longer!) when you didn't want to answer the phone, ignored the door, either couldn't be bothered to eat, or raided the refrig constantly, seemingy without control? Have you ever thought, even for a split second, that maybe--just maybe, it would be easier on everyone if you weren't here, or that you just can't face one more day?

I'll admit to having times like that in my life, and I looked to psychiatrists, medications, support groups and friends to help me out. Sometimes I get a bit of good advice, but that emptiness just wouldn't go away! What on EARTH was wrong with me?

I am so blessed to be able to tell you, that I haven't had a desperate day, in which I've been totally alone and wishing I would disappear in the past 14 years! 14 wonderful years.

So, what happened 14 years ago that made such a life-altering change in my life? I'd really like to tell you, JUST IN CASE you ARE where I WAS, and there may be the slightest chance that I am awake at 1 am, writing this for YOU. And just in case its not a coincidence that you're reading this right now, kindly read on-- just in case. And if this i not for you, you know how to log-off.

From as early as can remember, until I was 31 years old (14 years ago,) I lived with a giant black hole in my heart. I KNEW that my life didn't have to be lonely and dissatisfying-- that I could have a better relationship with my husband. Most of all, there HAD to be SOME MEANING to this thing we call "LIFE," and I set out on a mission to figure out what was supossed to occupy that big black hole I wished so hard to be filled!

The evening of July 6th, 1995, my husband Lew, my then 6-month-old so Joshua, and I were driving through the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina, USA at sunset. I was staring out the car window, amazed by all of the gorgeous colors in the twilight sky--purples, oranges, blues, greens, reds, and yellows! Of course, I had seen many, many sunsets before, but there was something very special about THIS sunset. Crazy as it sounds, I felt, in my SPIRIT that this was "Cindy's Sunset!" A warm and wonderful feeling filled the car in the cool of evening, and this particular sunset: MY SUNSET, seemed to last longer than any I had ever witnessed! I reveled in the beauty of wonder of it all, and all-of-a-sudden, it hit me like a rush of wind: GOD IS USING THIS SUNSET TO REVEAL HIS CREATION TO ME! THIS SUNSET IS A SPECIAL TIME THAT GOD "SET UP" FOR ME TO MEET WITH HIM IN A VERY PERSONAL WAY!

Meanwhile, my sweet husband was just driving along, trying to get us some dinner, completely unaware of this awesome experiece I had been having, while sitting silently beside him, staring ou the window!

From that day on, I've tried to learn as much about God as I can. After all,He created US, and knows every detail of our lives! Shouldn't I, then, try to learn all can possibly get to know about Him?
14 years later, and I feel I've barely chipped away at the tip of the iceberg of the amazing Character of God.

I started this by talking about loneliness, helplessness, and even despair.
One thing God promises (and He promises us so many amazing things if we are faithful!)--the one thing I grabbed onto and claimed for myself first is this, "I will never leave you or forsake you."* What that means to me, is that God is with me ALWAYS! He knows my every thought, my every need! He met me right where I was, and loved me SO MUCH that He accepted me for who I was, and had even sacrificed His Son's life so that all of my wrongdoings (or sins) would be forgiven, WHEN I accepted Him as my Savior and Lord!

If life is feeling really hard right now...if you wish tomorow wouldn't come, or if you just are looking for a BETTER LIFE, God offers this to EVERYONE WHO WOULD ASK, FREELY AND IMMEDIATELY!

If you would like to learn more about how to live your life with God walking by your side, PLEASE e-mail me at cbuchanan@dejazzd and it will be an honor to immediately call you, if you wish, or to write back.

Yes, a happy life may feel like a pipe dream right now, but I PROMISE YOU, that life with a personal relatonship with the one and only Living God, sure beats ANY OTHER LIFE YOU MAY BE LIVING APART FROM HIM.



Before my car accident on July 14th, and 17 fractures later (Yikes!) I had been suffering for years with a disease of the sympathetic nervous system. I was on e x t r e m e l y high doses of very strong opiate, precribed by my Pain Management physician. Because of all of the medications, I didn't have much of a "life" going. I was irritable, tired (but couldn't sleep...) and had pretty much lost interest in everything I used to enjoy. My life began to be all about staying out of pain. I had many procedures, injections, etc to try to reduce the narcotics, but to no avail...I was feeling pretty helpless, and since I never slept, I was in pain nearly 24/7! I found myself needing higher doses, and more per day, etc., and it was just a MESS!

So, on July 5th, I decided,"THAT'S ENOUGH! NO MORE!" And I stopped taking all pain meds. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! I got really sick, but I TRUSTED that GOD would take care of the PHYSICAL, if I remained faithful that He COULD and WOULD heal me! Meanwhile, I was feeling the effects of withdrawal.

It was only a week later that my accident occured.

I have now had over a month to do pretty much nothing but seek God's will for my life, and to try my best to do the right thing and make WISE CHOICES.

While God gives us hundreds of commandments in the Bible, and we are all probably familiar with the "Top 10," I decided to really study and find out EVERTHING God commands us to do! I know that's an ambitious goal, but for me, it is CRUCIAL. See, how can I know what His perfect will is for me, if I haven't read ALL about it from His Word, the Bible?!
I've been kind of lazy about daily Bible reading in the past, but these days, I can't seem to get enough of Him! His Word says that He knew me before I was in my mother's womb!* That every single day of my life has been planned! BUT, despite God's plans, I ALSO have FREE WILL to make choices that go against His perfect plan for me, such as taking tons of pills every day, etc.

Today, I can honestly say that my will matched up pretty well with God's will for me! How do I know? I asked Him! Through the privilege of prayer, I can talk with Him all day long if want, and anything I ask THAT IS I ACCORDANCE TO HIS WILL, the He promises to be faithful to do it.

Thank you, dear Father, for providing for my every need today, and for showing me you will for my life, minute by minute. Thank you that you care about the details of my life! Thank you that I can approach YOU, the Creator of the Universe, and you hear my voice.
Please continue to bless my dear friends. May I be a blessing to someone tomorrow, as so many have blessed me today. And may I always walk in a straight path, pleasing to you and your plan for my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

*scripture references will be posted as soon as I am able.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Holy Spirit Living!

I had the pleasure of hearing 4 messages from my Missionary friend this past weekend, all about the Holy Spirit. They were geared toward those who don't know who the Holy Spirit is (God LIVING IN US, whe we accept Jesus as our Savior...), to those who LIVE in the flow of the Spirit.

Whe Jesus died, rose, from the dead, and ascended into Heaven, God sent us The Holy Spirit. He is God In Us! He prompts our every move, He convicts us of sin in our lives, He is our COMFORTER!

As I listened to these messages, I thought, "If I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, EVERY SINGLE TIME, with every decision, in everything I say and do...If I use the spiritual gifts He has given me, and pay NO ATTENTION to what anyone else thinks or says about it, HOW CAN I GO WRONG?

So, starting on THIS DAY, I will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life. If I'm about to do something thst doesn't feel quite right, I'll stop dead in my tracks and change my actions.

Sounds like a tall order and a huge committment to make publicly, but I'm up for the challenge, and the awesome life I'll enjoy as a result!

May I have the strength not to act on impulse, by only on the prompting of the Holy Spirit, my closest friend. Wow, am I psyched!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Prayer for tonight..

I Am one to pray out loud, but I generally don't share my prayers here, for whoever happens to be reading. But tonight is different. And if only one f my friends reads this, it will have been worth it:

Father God,
I come to you tonight, ever so humbly, thanking you for all you have done, and all that you are. But on this night, I am especially thankful for my many dear friends that you have blessed me with. Without the kindness and love you have put in their hearts for me, along with YOUR immeasurable love and grace, I don't know where I'd be today. I know there is nothing I could have ever done to deserve this, and so I take no credit for you love for me, I am just incredibly grateful and blessed.
Tonight I pray that you would meet all of the needs of my friends, both those known and unknown to me. You know their hearts. Please give them each an extra measure of your grace.
In your Son's precious name, Amen.

On Reaching Out...

Just a few thoughts before I go to bed, which is usually far later than most. Something I inherited from my mother, along with many, many other things, but I wouldn't DARE confess those here (!)
Anyway, I was just thanking God for all of the wonderful people I have in my life, some from my church, some from Jean's Art Dolls, where I am honored to be the Design Team Leader and have met friends from all over the globe, Sandy and the great girls at Scrapperie, and so many others...
And I started to try to remember how I met each one of them, one by one~~ a task that I found nearly impossible! Which brought me back to "coincidences," which,if you read below you'll find I do NOT believe in.
How and why have I been blessed with all of these fantastic friends?
I never try to second-guess the Creator of the Universe! I mean, He created DNA, so who am I to even CONSIDER how He "works," but my humble little guess is that we are put together becasue one way or another, we NEED each-other!
My husband once described me as having a kind of "in your face personality," and I was terribly offended! "IN YOUR FACE?" No! I'm just very friendly! If I'm at all "in your face," its because if you are in front of me, its very possible that God put us together for a reason, and so I have an investment in reaching out to you! So, reach out I will, and if I am "in your face," and you don't like it, feel free to tell me so or back off 'til you are comfortable.
Finally,since I am aware that I am more "out there" with my personality than some others, I fear that if I don't go afer it, then that relationship may fall by the wayside unexplored, and that may (or may not) turn out to be a loss of eternal proportions.
OK, time for bed!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

No such thing as "coincidences!"

Just 4 weeks ago, I was admitted to a Rehablitation Center/Nursing Home, trying to gain back a little strength after my car had a little encounter with a fence and a tree, resulting in 17 fractures inmy body. The fence and tree will recover just fine!

If you've ever been in a car accident, you probably know that feeling of "Holy Moly. Please God don't let my car be totalled, let me make it out of here alive, MY HUSBAND IS GONNAKILL ME!" And, yes, I thought those 3 things. (My favorite song these days was on the stereo: Laura Story singing "Savior, He can move the mountain! My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save!...." The paramedics turned it off.)

So, after a week at our fine Leigh Valley Medical Center on the Trauma Unit, I was taken to this Rehab, where I was the youngest one by about 50 years, and I WAS EXCITED! Why? Because you never know what God has planned, and I figured this one must be a DOOZIE! Think of the hurting people I might run into and strike up a conversation with! Think of your testimony, Cindy. About how God continuously saved ME from the grips of death, so now this was my job, I figure is to tell other about what Jesus did FOR ME! In other words, there was a REASON for me to be there--it was NOT a COINCIDENCE!

Did God WANT me to be so injured that I had to be in this place? Of course not! BUT, while I was there, He was going to USE me, and not allow me to either away in my room, feeling sorry for myself!

When you find yourself someplace you want to be, like waiting for hours to see the doctor, or standing in line, be sensitive to the Spirit of God Let Him USE you! And see who you might run into in line...! YOU NEVER KNOW!

I had the pleasure of having a brief conversation with a slightly older woman, before being whisked away for physical therapy. I happened to run into her later, and she was reading a book. I could
se that the last word in the title was "God," and asked her what she was reading.
"Its called Sarah meets God. ts about a young Jewish woman who becomes a Christian." She went on to explain that she had gotten it from a local Rabbi.
I told her that I, too, was a Jewish woman who became a Christian, and she immediately asked me if I would mind "sharing my story?!" Now, understand, I didn't know which side of the fence she was on, if any, but I thought "what the heck, said a little prayer, and got on with the "sort version of my salvation testimony.
She listened intently, almost hanging onevery word, and was smiling. She thanked me for sharing my testimony with her, and then stated that she was a Pastor who lived in a very Jewish neighborhood. We talked about how challenging it is to reach the Jewish people for Christ, as His name itself is offensive to many. My best strategy is to live out my Holy Spirit lifestyle wherever I go, both among the Jews and the Gentiles, and let God do the rest1 i never did find out much about her, but I know that through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we were able to connect on a very deep level.

So, given a choice, I'm not likely to want to stay in a nursing home again, but I know tht many of the things that happened while I was there, were by God's Divine Design, and by no means were they "coincidences!"



Saturday, August 8, 2009

Its all about CHOICES!

What a great day to be a child of the Living God! It is bright ad sunny, not too hot or sticky, as it has been for weeks, and my list of things "to do" actually looks like fun to me! My son might look at the very same list and say "Ugh! You've got a LOT of work to do!"
True. I do! But its all "spiritual work," so I'm psyched to get started!
"Spiritual work?"
I'll share my list, and that phrase will make more sense.
1. Prayer and daily bible reading (check!)
2.Read chapter 3 of Step Study book for Fri. night
3. Call and review answers with accountability partner
4. Finish weeks 5 & 6 of Marriage Bible Study
5. REST!

So, yes, it reads like homework from a student's assignment book, but I am involved in training that I will never, ever complete! You see, my training is a course given to me by my Father, to become as knowledgeable about Him, His character, His will for my life, and, in a nutshell, training to be making wise choices throught the day, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
There isn't much in this earthly life that we have any control over, but the one thing we CAN contol is a B I G G I E: Our choices, and the way we respond to what goes on around us! We are bombarded with opportunities to make hundreds of choices a day, if not more, and my life goal is to make as many decisions that are plesaing to God as I possibly can! Simple as that.

I used to live a very different lifestyle than I do now. I grew up in an affluent home and community, with everything I ever needed, and almost everything wanted too! So, I learned to appreciate, well...nothing. By God's grace, I didn't become the snobby carbon-copy of some of my other family members, but I will admit to being judgmental and critical of others "back in the day..."
When my husband, Lew, and I became Christians in 1995, we were living in a lovely development/subdivision amidst thousands of impoverished families. At one point, we decided to completely change our lifestyle, sell our house to buy something smaller and less "glamorous," give well above our regular tithe, and just make things simpler. In the process, we dound out that we were being relocated back to our hometown, and although this iswhere al my family is, I really didn't want to move! I loved the simpler life we had adopted, plus, having lived in "The Bible Belt," where almost everyone you met is a Christian, we were coming back to a group of very religious Jewish family-members, who don't believe in God. (???) We'll go there another time. So, we chose a pleasant home, far enough from my mother that she wasn't likely to just drop in, and immediately found our awesome church home.
I believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God had us move to Alabama so that we could meet him, seperate from the inflence of my Jewish family. We were only supposed to stay there for 2 years, but we stayed there 10 years, also by God's design. You see, after just 2 years as Christians, we'd have had trouble standing strong when we moved back. But with 10 years under our belts, we were mature enough to hold our own, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and know better how to handle the wall we were about to face when we hit Philadelphia.

Always remember one thing. God always has a plan. And if you receive Him, He will always and forever be a part of that plan. And with God not oly involved, but INSIDE you, and you listen to His voice, you simply can't go wrong!


"Priest for people who don't go to church!"

This entire weekend, for 4 services, we have the awesome opportunity to hear our Missionary friend, Johannes Armritzter, President of MissionSOS, preach the Gospel at our church. So, you may say, "OK, another missionary. I think I'll stay home."


Johannes is a pretty regular guy, who grew up with many of the same tough situations that some of us have, and others of us have been blessed not to. But, by God's grace, his family is now on fire for Jesus, and he travels the world, taking the Good News of Jesus Christ "to the unreached peoples of the world." He truly has a heart to "bring as many people with (him) to Heaven as (he) possibly can!"

The teachings for the weekend are focused on the Holy Spirit, getting to know God who lives in us (ME!) and letting the gifts of the Holy Spirit flow freely in our lives.

Being in a wheelchair, I must admit that my physical body started feeling very achy and tired, but when God is revealing Himself to me in a whole new way, the pain is no longer so important!

Johannes will be preaching again tonight and Sunday morning, so if you're local to me, I can guarantee that if you come expectantly, with whatever measure of faith you have, YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!

Why am I standing on this Crazy for Jesus soapbox I've been on? Until Jesus returns to take me home, as He promised! (Wanna come?!--you can!) See, I can't save the world--actually, I can't save anyone at all, and I don't propose to be able to~~that's God's work (or shall I say pleasure?!) All I CAN do, is to share what Jesus has done in my own life, and let that speak for itself. The changes are astounding! I want to see everyone get to know my God-- the one and only God--The Creator of the Universe, the One who saved me, and delivered me from the impossible, and has me sitting here writing this so that maybe, we can be a little bit more like Jesus every day.

Father God, thank you for your people, who are obedient to do what you have asked them. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who lives in me, who comforts me and guides me through every moment. Let me be sensitive to His voice. Most of all, Father, may the light of Your precious Son Jesus shine in me, that others would come to know Him in a profound and eternity-changing way.
In His name,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

*Please note

This Blog is intended for private and personal use only. It is not funded in ANY WAY by any religious, political, or special-interest group. Donations are NOT ACCEPTED, but prayers are always welcome.


If you are reading this, and you or someone you know is needing help, keep reading!

Many people have this misconception that people who are heavy into church are either 1) super-religious and "righteous" or 2) really messed up!

The truth is that many Believers are dealing with (or have dealt with) many different kinds of hurts, hang-ups, and habits that they could use help working out! But where do you turn when you are a Sunday School teacher who can't start her day without alcohol? Or what about the well-known tax accountant who takes out his frustrations of the day by beating up his wife? Or maybe your life is in pretty good order, but you've never really mourned the loss of your dad, who committed suicide when you were in 2nd grade, and noone ever talked about it?

There is help, and there is hope! Well-reknowned Pastor and best-selling auther (The Purpose-Driven Life) Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California, had one of his Associate Pastors approach him in 1991, telling him of a vision he had of a 12-step, Christ-based Recovery Program, to help people break free from these hurts, hang-ups, and habits! Nearly 20 years later, thousands and thousands of people have been through this program, which is now International, and can be found in churches and even prisons! This life-changing program is called Celebrate Recovery (CR.)

Its easy to get started: all you need to do is show up, and you will be greeted by the warmest, friendly, and most caring bunch of men and women you could ever imagine meeting. They will lead you exactly to where you need to be. All YOU need is the courage to walk across that parking lot for the first time.

How do I know? Because I am a grateful member of Celebrate Recovery (CR) and you couldn't PAY me to miss a single Tuesday night meeting. This program has changed my life in ways I never dreamed possible.

You don't have to do it alone. As a matter of fact, you CAN'T! But with God's help, along with the amazing support you'll start feeling the minute you walk through the doors and say, "Hey, its my first time..." you CAN overcome your old hurts, hang-ups, and habits, and your life WILL BE CHANGED!

For more info, PLEASE e-mail me at cbuchanan@dejazzd.com.
Please note: CR is open to all wto adhere to some basic guideines. If you have never stepped foot into a Church you are MORE than welcome to join us!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Discovering Your God-Given Gifts

Gifts? From God?? For ME???
And no two of us are quite alike. "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Scripture verses will be referenced after the casts come off and I can hold up my Concordance!)
So we all have unique sets of gifts.

God created each one of us for a very special task/job/ministry. For some of us, it is obvious: For one friend of mine, it went like this: I LOVE KIDS. THEY NEED HELP IN THE NURSERY. BINGO! I'LL APPLY TO BE A NURSERY WORKER. That was 5 years ago, and she remains faitheful to that call on her life.

For me, it wasn't ever so clear-cut. First, I had to be a part of everything and anything! And not just your ordinary helper, but the LEADER! It took me a very long time to figure out that the girl who keeps the Ladies' Room clean has just important a job as the Youth Pastor, the person working in the "Welcome Center," and that guy who's always taking out the trash after Community Day!

As part of our Church's membership process, optional seminars are available for people to take, one being titled "Discoverig Your God-Given Gifts." We took a surve of sorts, and I scored highest in "helps," "mercy" "teaching" and "pastoral care," which all fit right in with my career as a pschotherapist for children with behavior problems, and my acute awareness of the needs of others, along with a strong a desire to give them the tools to improve their cirumstances.

So, to make a long story short, the girl who has been working alone with the children, with ZERO help, needs a CO-LEADER! YAY! She's coming over this afternoon, so we can work on a training, so other's can help out as well, and learn a new skilll set. I'm really excited about it! Iok a while, but with lots of prayer, and thoughtful consideration, as well as a few long convsersations with some of the elder women of the church, I feel that I am i the center of God's will, if only in this particular situation!

I feel closest to God when I am involved with His people, doing His work. Of course, I absolutely live for the times of day that I can just meet with Him, quietly, settle myself into his loving arms, grace, and salvation, and sing His praises for saving me from eternal separation from Him and his incomparable love.

Monday, August 3, 2009

And Still More Miracles....!

Long time, no Blog! Something about having casts on both arms, and 15 other broken bones can keep even ME away from the computer!

On July 14th, 2009, my steering wheel froze up as I was driving home, and I successfully knocked down a fence and a tree, before landing in a ditch, literally trapped in my car.

Cool note: When I looked up, I saw 4 angels surrounding my car! So, instead of being terrified, I was just a little claustrophobic jammed in there, but knew that I was in the hands of my Father. Praise God!

Despite my injuries, a week in a trauma center, 2 more in a rehab, I couldn't be more encouraged!

I've had the opportunity to have wonderful conversations with nearly the entire Pastoral Staff of my very special church, Morning Star Fellowship, as well as many calls, cards , and even flowers from others as well! I got to share my testimony with a female Pastor while doing Physical Therapy, of my conversion from Judaism to Christianity. I am convinced that behind every trial, is a tremendous opportunity, and my plan was to make the most of it.

My "art-world" friends have shown such a huge outpouring of kindness, generosity, and true compassion~~I am overwhelmed with tears!

And, of course my family~~my mother has been there every day, and what would I do without

Lew's strength, faith and perserverence, Josh's hugs, kisses, and impromptu prayers for sweet dreams filled with such wonderful thoughts were my mainstay, and knowing we'd be recycling that week made!

But of course, let all of the honor and glory for my rapid recovery go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who not only wants us to have life but MORE ABUNDANT LIFE! (Will reference the vs. later!) So, no more mediocrity for Cindy Buchanan, but instead I will try to live out my Church's "tag-line" for 2009: Adventurousv, Expectant Living!

This coming Fri.-Sun Eve., we have th privilige ofspending the weekend with our Austrian Missionary friend Johannes Armitzter, "TThe Priest for Peopl Who Don't Go To Church!"

http://www.missionsos.org (check out his ministry and lend your much appreciated support!) as he is flying over here from his home in Sweden to spend the weekend at Morning Star.

Please remember him in your prayers for safe travel and a special annointing for the weekend, if you think of it, OK?



Monday, July 6, 2009

And so today is another day in my New Beginning, and still I feel as humbles has never felt.

A MIRACLE OCCURED IN MY LIFE this weekend! And now it is documented medically and phyhsically, and confirms this through testng, and tells me to be quiet and let the doctor TELL ME that I am healed. Because , in my immmaturity, I fear I may boast of the healing that had nothing to do with anythign I did to "deserve" it, but only becuase JESUS LOVES ME. And so the weekend has been full of Joy and gladness, and a little fear, and a little duobt, and a lot of humility and awe of the God...MY God, who met with me on the floor of the church yesterday.

Now, with the physical, documented, medical confirmation of my healing.... In the Bible, when peple we ehealed, they sometimes danced in the streets, prolaiming what GOd has done. I am to meditate on what He has done, and then I will listen. And whether others disbelieve or are suspicious of my story, I cannot do anhthing about that, for I have not been given wisdom in this arena. All I can do is to Sing of His Love, and Rest.

I read in the Bible where demos flee and blind eyes couod see and the lame could walk!
And I was lame...And now, I WALK! And, still, I am not in pain.

And I have been Praising God today, and telling of His Miracle, done in me! And in my immaturity, I will look to those wiser than myself in these things of God, and seek thier wise counsel daily, or as often as they are able.

And Lew and I are alone this week while Josh is at Youth Camp Destin, on the beach, right now, as I write, they are in their Service. And now that I have been healed and delived and Saved, my husband and I can work together on our relationship with each-other and with God, And so we prayed. I have never enjyd my husband sio much as I have this weekend! And never has he been so responsive to what I needed from my husband, who is a simple man, but much wiser than I am on this day. I will go and get quiet. I will, again and continually be so, so greatful to My God, who has delivered me, healed me, and giving me a New Beginning!

So, now, again I will try to rest...in His Salvation. Rest...In His perfect love. Rest...that He loves me, and I that I am His child, and He is my Heavenly Father, whom I love more and more with each passing sliver of a second. And if I sleep, I sleep. And if I dont', I don't. And it is ALL GOOD, and it is All GOD.

God Loves Family!

So, did you read any more of the Story yet? I have read, and I have heard, and I will share it with you as well!

God tells us of his first Man and Woman,and of their CHILDREN! Adam and Eve had many, many children, and GOd doesnt' tell us exactly how many, but He speaks specifically of 3 of their Sons: Cain, Abel, and then Seth. He lived so long and had so many children, but God doesn't count how many. Some things He counts for us, and some things, He doesn't count for us, and one day I will ask Him about this! Because it MUST be important, or it wouldnt' be written!

So, I digress, to say that I am guilty of skipping over many begats and begets, and the sons of this Rabbi, etc. How about you? Today, though is a New Day, and I did NOT SKIP TODAY! And because I read ALL of it, I was reminded of Enoch, SMACK DAB in the middle of Gen. 5, who "suddenly disappeared, because God TOOK Him!" (Gen. 5:24) Now, I have known of Enoch being taken by God, one of 2 who didn't die, but on THIS day, I meditated on that verse for quite some time, and wondered why God took Enoch, and for what purpose, and finally concluded that God chose not to share that, and just Praised Him that I, too, will be with Him! Sometimes its simple. And most times, we make it hard.

So, again I come to CHOICES. And we all have a choice about the things we do, and the paths we will follow. And I thought of my own choices, and I know today that many of them haven't been very wise ones. But because of New Beginnings, I made a life-altering choice today. One that changed my Eternity~! And the choices we make DO change our Eternity, and you DO need to believe THAT. But I was only given a job to tell the story to some who might want to hear it. The Whole Story. That's what God Said. Amen.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

**FIRE FALLS AT MSF on Independence Sunday!**


For those of you who know me, are you not SO TIRED of hearing me talk about this terribly PAINFUL CYST behind my silly left knee? The knee that I had CUT OPEN only last month, and was to have this CYST REMOVED later in the week? The one which made it so that I could not walk?!?!

I was on my face before GOD this morning at Morning Star Fellowship (MSF) in the 9:00 AM "Call 2 Fall" Service for Independence Day Sunday! Pastor Steven DeFrain had preached from 2 Chronicles (do you know it, or shall I tell you? I will tell!)

"IF my people, who are called by My Name will humble themselves and PRAY and SEEK my face, and TURN from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land!" (2 Chron. 7:14 NLT)

So, we did this, and I while I was praying, I had a vision of myself being healed in a disappearing Hospital, that I will tell you of another day, and when I rose up from the floor into my seat, I AM HEALED! THE CYST IS GONE AND I HAVE NO PAIN!!!

"...and they praised the Lord, saying, HE IS SO GOOD! HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!!!! (2 Cron 7:3 NLT)

I would like to stay here now, but I must go and spread this wonderful news of the MIRACLE that OCCURRED! YOU SPREAD THE WORD, TOO!!!!

Loving HIM,

And on the 7th Day, He rested.

"So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed, On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it Holy, because it was the day when He rested from the work of creation. This is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth." (Gen. 2:1-4 NLT)

He rested! My God, who wakes me in the middle of the night to write this, HE RESTED.
Why did God need to rest? Yes, I would need to rest, had I created an entire Universe in less than a week (That's GGT: Greater God Time...) But the Creator of the Universe? The Omnipotent Lord on High? I don't think He would be so physically tired to take a whole 24 hours (GGT) to rest! Why would He make it a specific point to rest. He is telling US to rest. The story is for US! The Bible is our Instuction Manual for living. And are we not OH, SO BUSY?! I am So, So busy, that I can't get everything done! But God says, REST.

Not only did God rest, but He declared His day of rest HOLY! HOLY?! HOLY MOLY! A DAY OF REST? We do not rest! Sunday? It is a CRAZY day here! We get up very early to pray before church, get there early, because they make very good free coffee (or you can get a Cappuccino for $1 USD if you'd like!) Actually, we have many excellent books, tapes, bibles, CDs, and DVDs available for any who will come! Then, sometimes we stay for some more church, becasue we love to Praise God and hear the Gospel, (and see what jokes Pastor Steve decided to leave out the 2nd time, because maybe it wasn't so funny the 1st time, he thought?) Or perhaps an extra pearl of wisdom from God, prophesied over, maybe ME? Then, of course we are very hungry after church, even if we have just eaten, and there are errands, laundry, cleaning up after the new puppy, and shopping at the Market, and of course I am Blogging the Bible in a Year, so that keeps me VERY busy now. And of course, there are friends, and family, and prayer. So, by the time there is time to rest, it is Monday, and it is no longer the 7th day, but the 1st, and so it goes....

"And God blessed the 7th Day and He declared it Holy..."

We need our rest. Work is a good thing! But God ALSO knew that we would need to cease from our work and busy-ness to care for our spiritual and physical needs. Work must be balanced by regular attention to Prayer and Worship, and Meditation, and also for the health of our souls.

Do you take a regular time of rest? Set a time each day. (You know you can do it....) Make it a habit. Do it every single day, just for a bit. Read God's Word. Get spiritually and physically fed! You cannot serve God if you are not in good shape, inside and out!

"He declared it Holy!" If you cannot do it for yourself, then just do it because it is in the Book of Genesis, which, as I said another day, is very, very good reading! And, as I also said, I happen to know the Author personally, and it would make Him very happy for ME to rest as well, so I bid you good night. My work is finished, and now I will rest.

