A Few thoughts of my Father...

A Few thoughts of my Father...
Because You Never Know Who's Reading!

About Me

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Gilbertsville, PA, United States
It is only by the grace of God that I am sitting here today and writing this. I thank Him for all He has done and is doing, and WILL DO in my life, and it is my prayer that anyone who is reading this today, whether you are a scrapbooker I know, on a Design Team with me, a co-worker, a friend from church, or someone who thinks they are reading this "by coincidence," I want you to know that God loves you, and once you know Him, nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Thanks for visiting me here. Love, Cindy


Monday, August 10, 2009

On Reaching Out...

Just a few thoughts before I go to bed, which is usually far later than most. Something I inherited from my mother, along with many, many other things, but I wouldn't DARE confess those here (!)
Anyway, I was just thanking God for all of the wonderful people I have in my life, some from my church, some from Jean's Art Dolls, where I am honored to be the Design Team Leader and have met friends from all over the globe, Sandy and the great girls at Scrapperie, and so many others...
And I started to try to remember how I met each one of them, one by one~~ a task that I found nearly impossible! Which brought me back to "coincidences," which,if you read below you'll find I do NOT believe in.
How and why have I been blessed with all of these fantastic friends?
I never try to second-guess the Creator of the Universe! I mean, He created DNA, so who am I to even CONSIDER how He "works," but my humble little guess is that we are put together becasue one way or another, we NEED each-other!
My husband once described me as having a kind of "in your face personality," and I was terribly offended! "IN YOUR FACE?" No! I'm just very friendly! If I'm at all "in your face," its because if you are in front of me, its very possible that God put us together for a reason, and so I have an investment in reaching out to you! So, reach out I will, and if I am "in your face," and you don't like it, feel free to tell me so or back off 'til you are comfortable.
Finally,since I am aware that I am more "out there" with my personality than some others, I fear that if I don't go afer it, then that relationship may fall by the wayside unexplored, and that may (or may not) turn out to be a loss of eternal proportions.
OK, time for bed!

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