A Few thoughts of my Father...

A Few thoughts of my Father...
Because You Never Know Who's Reading!

About Me

My photo
Gilbertsville, PA, United States
It is only by the grace of God that I am sitting here today and writing this. I thank Him for all He has done and is doing, and WILL DO in my life, and it is my prayer that anyone who is reading this today, whether you are a scrapbooker I know, on a Design Team with me, a co-worker, a friend from church, or someone who thinks they are reading this "by coincidence," I want you to know that God loves you, and once you know Him, nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Thanks for visiting me here. Love, Cindy


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some of my "artwork" from ChristianCrafters

Hi friends,
I've been very busy with my paper-crafting hobby the past week or so.  With my husband out of town, I've had plenty more time on my hands, and I ven stayed up ALL NIGHT last night to work on this album:

On Monday, I start my Seminary program, and will be taking course in sermon writing, preaching, evangelism...and I have been praying and praying that I would hear from God about what I should be "preparing," and trying to understand that the Holy Spirit will inspire me and speak God's Word THROUGH me as long as I am sensitive to Him.

This little book, each page made of a different material (as I will be teaching on different material!  Get it?!)  will hold the different topics, scriputers, etc., that God gives me to share.  So far, I've only done the cover, adn 3 of the pages.  Here's the page that is opposite the inside cover.  Wnjoy another side of Cindy!

I'll update as I go along.  Thanks for sharing my journey with me` You are a very special bunch of friends I have here, so MANY THANKS!

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