A Few thoughts of my Father...

A Few thoughts of my Father...
Because You Never Know Who's Reading!

About Me

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Gilbertsville, PA, United States
It is only by the grace of God that I am sitting here today and writing this. I thank Him for all He has done and is doing, and WILL DO in my life, and it is my prayer that anyone who is reading this today, whether you are a scrapbooker I know, on a Design Team with me, a co-worker, a friend from church, or someone who thinks they are reading this "by coincidence," I want you to know that God loves you, and once you know Him, nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Thanks for visiting me here. Love, Cindy


Monday, October 12, 2009

Its Grace...

I was sitting at this computer tonight, listening to a Michale W. SMith CD, and I heard him sing,

"Its grace, your grace,
I'm nothing without You!
Your grace, Your grace
shines on me!
Shines on me, shines on me!
Your grace shines on me..."

And I had to stop what I was doing, and I lifted my hands and my face to God, and thanked Him for His grace...the grace that saved me, and sees me through every single day of my life... and I thanked Him for all He is doing in my life...for the many ways He is has blessed me, how He is using me and entrusting me with His ministry, and its only by His grace that any of it is possible...And I fell into that place where God's love was just pouring into my heart and filling me as I've never been filled before, and I could never feel too much of the fullness of God...and even though "its" not supposed to be about emotions, I felt my heart well up with tears that never came out, for they were the love of God in my heart.  And I didn't want to ever lose the feeling I had right then and there, and I don't ever have to!  Because God doesn't only pour out His love now and then, but every single time I call on His name...So I pray that I will never, ever forget the way I feel at this very moment, so I can take the love of God that's inside me and share it with anyone and everyone who needs to hear how much God loves them.

For God so loved the world...

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