A Few thoughts of my Father...

A Few thoughts of my Father...
Because You Never Know Who's Reading!

About Me

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Gilbertsville, PA, United States
It is only by the grace of God that I am sitting here today and writing this. I thank Him for all He has done and is doing, and WILL DO in my life, and it is my prayer that anyone who is reading this today, whether you are a scrapbooker I know, on a Design Team with me, a co-worker, a friend from church, or someone who thinks they are reading this "by coincidence," I want you to know that God loves you, and once you know Him, nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Thanks for visiting me here. Love, Cindy


Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Prayer, Just Because...

Dear Father God,
As I go to lay my head down to rest, following a difficult and wonderful week, temporarily sick in my physical body, but filled with your Holy Spirit, I come to meet with you. humbly, to give you thanks. As you watch from your throne in Heaven, where you have prepared a place for ME, may your name be glorified here on earth. There will come a time when Jesus will come to meet us in the clouds, and we will be caught up with Him and taken to live with you eternally. And all I had to do to win this wonderful prize, was to simply ask.. to come to you with my childlike faith, even as small as a mustard seed, in as much or as little as I knew of you, and say "Jesus, come into my heart. I can't do this life without you. I know I don't deserve your saving grace, for I have sinned so much. But today, I want to give my life to you. I pray that you will forgive me of my sins. I want to change. Please help me to change and to be more like you. Amen." And in that instant, you sent your Holy Spirit to live in my heart, to direct my path and be my Comforter. So, becasue of the Comforter who lives in me, I could get through this week in the hospital, and rejoice in the knowledge of your plan to prosper me, and in your promise that you will never leave me or forsake me, in a way that no human could ever promise. So many others have dissapointed me, but you could never disappoint. I pray that I will not dissappoint you too much when I awake and start a new day. Please search my heart, and point out anything that is displeasing to you as I go about my day, and I promise to correct it.
Please bless my friends as they go about the business of thier days, and help them and encourage them through their struggles. Use me, Father, in any way you will. I am here, and I will follow you wherever you will lead me, and go wherever you will send me. Please let me be a blessing to even one person in the new day, as I have been so blessed by others in your Kingdom.
In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

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