Just 4 weeks ago, I was admitted to a Rehablitation Center/Nursing Home, trying to gain back a little strength after my car had a little encounter with a fence and a tree, resulting in 17 fractures inmy body. The fence and tree will recover just fine!
If you've ever been in a car accident, you probably know that feeling of "Holy Moly. Please God don't let my car be totalled, let me make it out of here alive, MY HUSBAND IS GONNAKILL ME!" And, yes, I thought those 3 things. (My favorite song these days was on the stereo: Laura Story singing "Savior, He can move the mountain! My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save!...." The paramedics turned it off.)
So, after a week at our fine Leigh Valley Medical Center on the Trauma Unit, I was taken to this Rehab, where I was the youngest one by about 50 years, and I WAS EXCITED! Why? Because you never know what God has planned, and I figured this one must be a DOOZIE! Think of the hurting people I might run into and strike up a conversation with! Think of your testimony, Cindy. About how God continuously saved ME from the grips of death, so now this was my job, I figure is to tell other about what Jesus did FOR ME! In other words, there was a REASON for me to be there--it was NOT a COINCIDENCE!
Did God WANT me to be so injured that I had to be in this place? Of course not! BUT, while I was there, He was going to USE me, and not allow me to either away in my room, feeling sorry for myself!
When you find yourself someplace you want to be, like waiting for hours to see the doctor, or standing in line, be sensitive to the Spirit of God Let Him USE you! And see who you might run into in line...! YOU NEVER KNOW!
I had the pleasure of having a brief conversation with a slightly older woman, before being whisked away for physical therapy. I happened to run into her later, and she was reading a book. I could
se that the last word in the title was "God," and asked her what she was reading.
"Its called Sarah meets God. ts about a young Jewish woman who becomes a Christian." She went on to explain that she had gotten it from a local Rabbi.
I told her that I, too, was a Jewish woman who became a Christian, and she immediately asked me if I would mind "sharing my story?!" Now, understand, I didn't know which side of the fence she was on, if any, but I thought "what the heck, said a little prayer, and got on with the "sort version of my salvation testimony.
She listened intently, almost hanging onevery word, and was smiling. She thanked me for sharing my testimony with her, and then stated that she was a Pastor who lived in a very Jewish neighborhood. We talked about how challenging it is to reach the Jewish people for Christ, as His name itself is offensive to many. My best strategy is to live out my Holy Spirit lifestyle wherever I go, both among the Jews and the Gentiles, and let God do the rest1 i never did find out much about her, but I know that through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we were able to connect on a very deep level.
So, given a choice, I'm not likely to want to stay in a nursing home again, but I know tht many of the things that happened while I was there, were by God's Divine Design, and by no means were they "coincidences!"
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
1 comment:
so very true it's amazing how God knows where we are needed everyday
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