What a great day to be a child of the Living God! It is bright ad sunny, not too hot or sticky, as it has been for weeks, and my list of things "to do" actually looks like fun to me! My son might look at the very same list and say "Ugh! You've got a LOT of work to do!"
True. I do! But its all "spiritual work," so I'm psyched to get started!
"Spiritual work?"
I'll share my list, and that phrase will make more sense.
1. Prayer and daily bible reading (check!)
2.Read chapter 3 of Step Study book for Fri. night
3. Call and review answers with accountability partner
4. Finish weeks 5 & 6 of Marriage Bible Study
5. REST!
So, yes, it reads like homework from a student's assignment book, but I am involved in training that I will never, ever complete! You see, my training is a course given to me by my Father, to become as knowledgeable about Him, His character, His will for my life, and, in a nutshell, training to be making wise choices throught the day, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
There isn't much in this earthly life that we have any control over, but the one thing we CAN contol is a B I G G I E: Our choices, and the way we respond to what goes on around us! We are bombarded with opportunities to make hundreds of choices a day, if not more, and my life goal is to make as many decisions that are plesaing to God as I possibly can! Simple as that.
I used to live a very different lifestyle than I do now. I grew up in an affluent home and community, with everything I ever needed, and almost everything wanted too! So, I learned to appreciate, well...nothing. By God's grace, I didn't become the snobby carbon-copy of some of my other family members, but I will admit to being judgmental and critical of others "back in the day..."
When my husband, Lew, and I became Christians in 1995, we were living in a lovely development/subdivision amidst thousands of impoverished families. At one point, we decided to completely change our lifestyle, sell our house to buy something smaller and less "glamorous," give well above our regular tithe, and just make things simpler. In the process, we dound out that we were being relocated back to our hometown, and although this iswhere al my family is, I really didn't want to move! I loved the simpler life we had adopted, plus, having lived in "The Bible Belt," where almost everyone you met is a Christian, we were coming back to a group of very religious Jewish family-members, who don't believe in God. (???) We'll go there another time. So, we chose a pleasant home, far enough from my mother that she wasn't likely to just drop in, and immediately found our awesome church home.
I believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God had us move to Alabama so that we could meet him, seperate from the inflence of my Jewish family. We were only supposed to stay there for 2 years, but we stayed there 10 years, also by God's design. You see, after just 2 years as Christians, we'd have had trouble standing strong when we moved back. But with 10 years under our belts, we were mature enough to hold our own, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and know better how to handle the wall we were about to face when we hit Philadelphia.
Always remember one thing. God always has a plan. And if you receive Him, He will always and forever be a part of that plan. And with God not oly involved, but INSIDE you, and you listen to His voice, you simply can't go wrong!
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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