Long time, no Blog! Something about having casts on both arms, and 15 other broken bones can keep even ME away from the computer!
On July 14th, 2009, my steering wheel froze up as I was driving home, and I successfully knocked down a fence and a tree, before landing in a ditch, literally trapped in my car.
Cool note: When I looked up, I saw 4 angels surrounding my car! So, instead of being terrified, I was just a little claustrophobic jammed in there, but knew that I was in the hands of my Father. Praise God!
Despite my injuries, a week in a trauma center, 2 more in a rehab, I couldn't be more encouraged!
I've had the opportunity to have wonderful conversations with nearly the entire Pastoral Staff of my very special church, Morning Star Fellowship, as well as many calls, cards , and even flowers from others as well! I got to share my testimony with a female Pastor while doing Physical Therapy, of my conversion from Judaism to Christianity. I am convinced that behind every trial, is a tremendous opportunity, and my plan was to make the most of it.
My "art-world" friends have shown such a huge outpouring of kindness, generosity, and true compassion~~I am overwhelmed with tears!
And, of course my family~~my mother has been there every day, and what would I do without
Lew's strength, faith and perserverence, Josh's hugs, kisses, and impromptu prayers for sweet dreams filled with such wonderful thoughts were my mainstay, and knowing we'd be recycling that week made!
But of course, let all of the honor and glory for my rapid recovery go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who not only wants us to have life but MORE ABUNDANT LIFE! (Will reference the vs. later!) So, no more mediocrity for Cindy Buchanan, but instead I will try to live out my Church's "tag-line" for 2009: Adventurousv, Expectant Living!
This coming Fri.-Sun Eve., we have th privilige ofspending the weekend with our Austrian Missionary friend Johannes Armitzter, "TThe Priest for Peopl Who Don't Go To Church!"
http://www.missionsos.org (check out his ministry and lend your much appreciated support!) as he is flying over here from his home in Sweden to spend the weekend at Morning Star.
Please remember him in your prayers for safe travel and a special annointing for the weekend, if you think of it, OK?
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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