I don't know about you, but I have been through many seasons in my life when I've felt lonely, and other times when I've felt utterly and desperately ALONE in the world. Like nobody cared about me, and if happened to fall off the face of the eartt, nobody would care, or maybe nobody would even notice!
Do you know where I'm coming from? Ever had a day/week/month (or longer!) when you didn't want to answer the phone, ignored the door, either couldn't be bothered to eat, or raided the refrig constantly, seemingy without control? Have you ever thought, even for a split second, that maybe--just maybe, it would be easier on everyone if you weren't here, or that you just can't face one more day?
I'll admit to having times like that in my life, and I looked to psychiatrists, medications, support groups and friends to help me out. Sometimes I get a bit of good advice, but that emptiness just wouldn't go away! What on EARTH was wrong with me?
I am so blessed to be able to tell you, that I haven't had a desperate day, in which I've been totally alone and wishing I would disappear in the past 14 years! 14 wonderful years.
So, what happened 14 years ago that made such a life-altering change in my life? I'd really like to tell you, JUST IN CASE you ARE where I WAS, and there may be the slightest chance that I am awake at 1 am, writing this for YOU. And just in case its not a coincidence that you're reading this right now, kindly read on-- just in case. And if this i not for you, you know how to log-off.
From as early as can remember, until I was 31 years old (14 years ago,) I lived with a giant black hole in my heart. I KNEW that my life didn't have to be lonely and dissatisfying-- that I could have a better relationship with my husband. Most of all, there HAD to be SOME MEANING to this thing we call "LIFE," and I set out on a mission to figure out what was supossed to occupy that big black hole I wished so hard to be filled!
The evening of July 6th, 1995, my husband Lew, my then 6-month-old so Joshua, and I were driving through the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina, USA at sunset. I was staring out the car window, amazed by all of the gorgeous colors in the twilight sky--purples, oranges, blues, greens, reds, and yellows! Of course, I had seen many, many sunsets before, but there was something very special about THIS sunset. Crazy as it sounds, I felt, in my SPIRIT that this was "Cindy's Sunset!" A warm and wonderful feeling filled the car in the cool of evening, and this particular sunset: MY SUNSET, seemed to last longer than any I had ever witnessed! I reveled in the beauty of wonder of it all, and all-of-a-sudden, it hit me like a rush of wind: GOD IS USING THIS SUNSET TO REVEAL HIS CREATION TO ME! THIS SUNSET IS A SPECIAL TIME THAT GOD "SET UP" FOR ME TO MEET WITH HIM IN A VERY PERSONAL WAY!
Meanwhile, my sweet husband was just driving along, trying to get us some dinner, completely unaware of this awesome experiece I had been having, while sitting silently beside him, staring ou the window!
From that day on, I've tried to learn as much about God as I can. After all,He created US, and knows every detail of our lives! Shouldn't I, then, try to learn all can possibly get to know about Him?
14 years later, and I feel I've barely chipped away at the tip of the iceberg of the amazing Character of God.
I started this by talking about loneliness, helplessness, and even despair.
One thing God promises (and He promises us so many amazing things if we are faithful!)--the one thing I grabbed onto and claimed for myself first is this, "I will never leave you or forsake you."* What that means to me, is that God is with me ALWAYS! He knows my every thought, my every need! He met me right where I was, and loved me SO MUCH that He accepted me for who I was, and had even sacrificed His Son's life so that all of my wrongdoings (or sins) would be forgiven, WHEN I accepted Him as my Savior and Lord!
If life is feeling really hard right now...if you wish tomorow wouldn't come, or if you just are looking for a BETTER LIFE, God offers this to EVERYONE WHO WOULD ASK, FREELY AND IMMEDIATELY!
If you would like to learn more about how to live your life with God walking by your side, PLEASE e-mail me at cbuchanan@dejazzd and it will be an honor to immediately call you, if you wish, or to write back.
Yes, a happy life may feel like a pipe dream right now, but I PROMISE YOU, that life with a personal relatonship with the one and only Living God, sure beats ANY OTHER LIFE YOU MAY BE LIVING APART FROM HIM.
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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