So, out of obedience to Him, I'll be blogging now withno clear idea yet of what He has in mind for me to write! We'll find out together!
For a girl who has spent the past month in a hospital, then a Rehab, with 14 broken bones, and currently living in my Family Room on a hospital bed, you'd think I'd be bored out of my mind! No! I'm very busy!
You see, I have a new job! I could have started it when I was much, much younger, but didn't choose to. Why not, I don't know, because its SO much fun!
The interview was a breeze! All I did was tell the "decision-maker" that I didn't want to do what I used to do, and I really wanted to start working for Him, every day for the rest of my life! I told Him about some problems I've had in the past, that I really wanted to turn away from those things, and He nodded with complete understanding, AS IF HE ALREADY KNEW!
I've got THE BEST BOSS! This guy walks on water! He can do no wrong!
And if you LOVE variety, you'd love my job, too! Every day is different! Some days I make lots of phone calls, and I just get to chat with people. Other days, I have a lot of reading to do. Most of it is from the same Book, but other times, I read about what other people,THINK about that Book! I listen to great music all day, that just warms my heart and makes me feel good, and, while my Boss doesn't sing out loud much, as far as I know, he REALLY seems to enjoy listening to Me sing! As if I am singing to Him! So, I do!
One downside is that I don't get a weekly paycheck. I don't mind though, because the benefits are the best in town! See, he's a doctor--sometimes even called "The Great Physician," and has healed so many people of their afflictions, myself included! He gives you free wisdom and care for LIFE, so that you always know exactly what to do Sounds crazy, I know, but its like having this awesome free GPS for your life: one that never gives you the wrong directions! For examle, I realy want to go to Heaven one day, so I can punch "h e a v e n" into my GPS, and get clear instructions on how toget there! LOL! And talk about retirement benefits! We have been promised a MANSION to live in FOREVER! On a street paved with gold! There are many, many mansions available,if you're interested in looking into this! No closng costs, taxes, or any hidden costs!
At first, my husband didn't want me to sign on with this man, because part of the contract is that I give 10% of all of my income to HIM! Whoever heard of PAYING someone whose work you do? But the more I give to him, the more rewards I seem to get!?!
The following is a true story, I promise!: One month, we didn't have enough money in my account to pay our personal bills,let alone this 10% promise. I felt terrible! I know He expects that 10% My husband (who signed-on too)) and I sat beside each other, looking at the low balance in our checkbook. We happened to be sitting in church at the time, so we decided to PRAY about what to do. ... We KNEW we didn't have the money to give 10% away, and with what we did have, I had really wanted to buy some new shoes. I had just had bunion surgery, and all of my shoes were now a size too small, and were just killing my right foot! But, we said we'd give our 10%, and so we did, wondering how we'd make it through the week, with little in the fridge, and a few unpaid bills.
So, this was on a Sunday. Three days later (I kid you not) I went to check the mail, quickly so as to avoid looking at any bills, and saw something that looked like a bill, but I didn't recognize the return address, so, curiously, I opened it.
In this envelope was a letter from my health insurance company, telling me that I had OVERPAID a hospital bill, and "Enclosed, please find a refund check in the amount of $2,365.29." Over two-thouand dollars?!?!
Weren't we just sitting in church looking at the sorry little balance in our checking account? So, I did get one pair of shoes, and the next week, we were able to give this fabulous guy 35%!
So, if you are laughing along with me, perhaps nodding your head in agreement that this kind of thing happens to you, too, I'll be right back with you!
BUT, if you are still thinking," What the heck is this girl talking about?! She's off her rocker!" then read carefully please!
To you who are wondering about my crazy story, let me clarify: Everything I've said about my "Boss" is true. 100%. And if He sounds pretty cool to you, let me tell you more.
He is the Creator of the Universe! Yes, God Himself! Don't believe in Him? Not sure? Neither was I, until I was 31 years old (about 15 years ago.) I WANTED to know Him, but I had some concerns?
1- does He really even exist?
2- Is the Bible really true, or just a bunch of stories some guys with beards wrote to explain what science couldn't?
3- Or are you thinking," With all of the junk I've done in my life, how could God ever want anything to do with me?
Please allow me to address your very valid concerns.
1--YES, God does exist! He reveals Himself to each one of us every day through His wonderous Creation! I can tell you stories of the things He has done in my life, MIRACLES beyond what I could have ever imagined, but I'm not a Pastor or Minister who can answer this in a "professional way. But if you send me an e-mail at the address below, I'll send you some info that should end your wonder forever. Meanwhle, go dig out your copy of The Bible-most people have one somewhere in the house, and start reading inthe Gospel of John (the 4th Book in the New Testament, for more fabulous info about the Character of Jesus.)
2--Have you been "SO BAD" that God could never forgive you? ABSOLUTELY NOT! God writes in His Word, "For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!," and " There is No one righteous, NO NOT ONE!" (Emphasis added.) If you've ever known a priest, Reverend, nun, or someone who seems "SO HOLY!"--believe me, God is telling us that NO ONE is without guilt! He forgives murderers, rapists, child molesters--anyone who seeks Him confesses their sins, REPENTS, or TURNS AWAY from their sins, and sincerely ASKS Him into their heart WILL BE SAVED! Remember my "job interview?" Just tell Him what's in your heart! He already knows it all anyway! Just get honest, tell him you are FINISHED with that old sinful life! It doesn't matter if you've done things you're not proud of! Maybe you're a nice girl but you tend to drink a little heavily, or when your wife nags you in the morning, you may have lashed out at her physically once or twice? Whether you've been unfaithful to your husband, stolen to buy drugs, or maybe you are living a pretty clean life, but just CRAVE that closeness with God and havn't been able to find Him? GOD LOVES YOU! He loves you SO MUCH that he allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, DIE for you!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that WHOEVER would BELEIVE in him would not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE! (John 3:16- emphasis added.) WHOEVER means YOU! And ME! Whoo Hoo! THANK HIM for sacrificing His Son for your sins! That's how easy it is to start walking with (and WORKING for) God!
If you are ready to FINALLY live a full and happy life, walking hand in hand with God, all you have to do is say a little prayer, perhaps something like this: (or simply recite this out loud!):
Dear God. I believe that you are the one and only God! I believe that you sent your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. Right now, I turn away from my sins. Please forgive me for my sins, and change my heart! Please come into my life today and forever! In every way that I know how, I give my life to you today. Amen.
AMEN! That means "And So IT IS DONE!"
If you've just prayed that prayer and made a decision to turn your life over to the care of God, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you TELL SOMEONE!!! God instructs us to do this, but not only that, who wouldn't want to share such woderful news?! That YOU are now a Child of the Living God?! HOW COOL?!
Now, what about those people who might think you are "weird" for making such a decision? Forget about anyone who would try to bring you down right now. EVIL DOES EXIST in the world, and someone may try to take away your joy, but DO NOT LET THEM!
Next, you'll want to get a copy of the Bible. Will you let me send you a copy for free? I don't ever accept any money for sharing God's Word, and I am not writing for any particular church or other group, so you can feel comfortable that I will ONLY send a plain copy of the Bible, with no personal opinions. Just e-mail me at, and you can leave your address, or even your phone number if you want to talk more about this. (Sorry, but I can only call US and Canadian numbers...)
Finally, this Sunday, find a church to attend! Tell someone you are a new Christian! They will rejoice with you! You may need to visit several churches before you find one that feels like "home," so take your time!
I started this post by saying " don't know what God wants me to write about. Now, I have no question! It was well worth waking up in the middle of the night, to spend a few hours writing this, if even ONE HEART BEGINS to think about God, even just a little bit.
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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