Sound easy? You'd think that if The Holy Spirit, who lives IN me wanted me to be aware of something, to be discerning of a need of a friend or stranger, or even of a situation I need to remove myself from or get involved in, He'd make it His business to make that pretty darned clear to me, right?
I wish it was that easy for me! Does it come easy to you?
I know that I've spent over a decade praying for discernment, wisdom, words of knowledge, and while I have been blessed with some spritual gifts, and some much moreso than others, I STILL wake up some days, saying,"Holy Spirit, where ARE you? Why do I not hear from you more often? Why am I not as sensitive to you as I have been in the past? Are You not showing yourself to me becasue I have grieved You in some way?"
It is those very mornings, or seasons, that I know I must do more than pray, do more than "get in the Word" more, do MORE than sing His praises all day long, and even do more than tell everyone I meet about what my Jesus as done for me!
What more is there to do? Great question that I began to ask myself just in the past year. The answer for ME was simple: LIVE EVERY MINUTE AS A HOLY SPIRIT MINUTE! I began to start my days in a whole new way, with the following prayer (or something like this): Good Morning dear Lord. Thank you for yet another day to walk with you watching me, walking alongside me, and living IN me, guiding my every move. Holy Spirit, may I seek your leadership in every word that comes from my lips, in every way I look at someone or answer a question...May I follow your direction in the decisions with every penny I spend, where I park my car, what and whom I pray for, and even every phone call I make. May all of my CHOICES that I have the free will to make every second of this day, be wholly pleasing to You. PLEASE convict me of any sin I may commit BEFORE I am tempted to do it! I repent now of any thing going on in my life that is displeasing to you. Please reveal any such sin to me!, and may I live out the rest of this day, minute by minute, with MY will in sync with YOUR Perfect Will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I know of no better way to get my day started off on the right foot! WITH HOLY SPIRIT POWER! If you've already gotnit, why not USE it?!
Many years ago, I was in the Ladies Room of a little Baptist Church in Spanish Fort, AL where I was attending a weekly Bible study. There was a poster on the wall with Praying Hands, and a poem. While I can no longer recall each word of the poem, I'll never ever forget the message. It was about a woman who had a very busy day ahead. Get the kids ready for school lunches made, carpools, then off to work..."I've got So much to do, I haven't got time to pray!" she expressed to a friend. Her friend replied with something like this,"Me too. I have errands to run, then I'll go take care of my sick mother, grocery shopping, teach 5 piano lessons..." And then (I'll never forget this part,) "I've got SO much to do, I HAVE to take time to pray!"
So, with that in mind: Friends, May the one and only Living God richly bless you and your family today, in all you do and say. And Father God, as so many have blessed ME this week, please make me a blessing to those whose paths I'll cross today. Let the Light of the World shine brightly through me everywhere I go. May I not make one single choice without first checking-in with the Holy Spirit of God, and gaining Your approval. And may the angels have many opportunities to rejoice, as one by one, more people come running to You, and say "Jesus, come into my life. I give You my heart today. I know that you came to die for my sins. Thank you for saving me. I turn away from my old ways, and in as much as I know how at this moment, I will live my life for You." Amen.
If you've never prayer a prayer like the one above, inviting Jesus into your life, you are at the start of a WONDERFUL JOURNEY, and you will never, EVER be alone again, becasue by praying that prayer, the Holy Spirit now LIVES IN YOU and will guide you and comfort you!
I would love to send you a Bible and have the opportunity to help you get started in your new life as a Christian. Please send me an e-mail at and I'll consider it a privilege to talk to you if you want to send me a phone number, or just stay in touch by e-mail.
*PLEASE NOTE: This is a personal Blog, where I just write what God puts on my heart each day. I do not accept any donations of any kind, and this Blog has no interest in any particular church, political, or special interest group. Bibles are sent free of charge, as God has given this to me as a small ministry. May you have a blessed day.
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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