Before my car accident on July 14th, and 17 fractures later (Yikes!) I had been suffering for years with a disease of the sympathetic nervous system. I was on e x t r e m e l y high doses of very strong opiate, precribed by my Pain Management physician. Because of all of the medications, I didn't have much of a "life" going. I was irritable, tired (but couldn't sleep...) and had pretty much lost interest in everything I used to enjoy. My life began to be all about staying out of pain. I had many procedures, injections, etc to try to reduce the narcotics, but to no avail...I was feeling pretty helpless, and since I never slept, I was in pain nearly 24/7! I found myself needing higher doses, and more per day, etc., and it was just a MESS!
So, on July 5th, I decided,"THAT'S ENOUGH! NO MORE!" And I stopped taking all pain meds. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! I got really sick, but I TRUSTED that GOD would take care of the PHYSICAL, if I remained faithful that He COULD and WOULD heal me! Meanwhile, I was feeling the effects of withdrawal.
It was only a week later that my accident occured.
I have now had over a month to do pretty much nothing but seek God's will for my life, and to try my best to do the right thing and make WISE CHOICES.
While God gives us hundreds of commandments in the Bible, and we are all probably familiar with the "Top 10," I decided to really study and find out EVERTHING God commands us to do! I know that's an ambitious goal, but for me, it is CRUCIAL. See, how can I know what His perfect will is for me, if I haven't read ALL about it from His Word, the Bible?!
I've been kind of lazy about daily Bible reading in the past, but these days, I can't seem to get enough of Him! His Word says that He knew me before I was in my mother's womb!* That every single day of my life has been planned! BUT, despite God's plans, I ALSO have FREE WILL to make choices that go against His perfect plan for me, such as taking tons of pills every day, etc.
Today, I can honestly say that my will matched up pretty well with God's will for me! How do I know? I asked Him! Through the privilege of prayer, I can talk with Him all day long if want, and anything I ask THAT IS I ACCORDANCE TO HIS WILL, the He promises to be faithful to do it.
Thank you, dear Father, for providing for my every need today, and for showing me you will for my life, minute by minute. Thank you that you care about the details of my life! Thank you that I can approach YOU, the Creator of the Universe, and you hear my voice.
Please continue to bless my dear friends. May I be a blessing to someone tomorrow, as so many have blessed me today. And may I always walk in a straight path, pleasing to you and your plan for my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.
*scripture references will be posted as soon as I am able.
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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