I don't generally care to be redundant, but when it comes to God showing up, breaking through and changing lives, how can I not? How can I not say "THANK YOU JESUS" for saving my life, for healing my body and spirit, and restoring my marriage? How can I possibly not repeat, over and over, all of the things that God has done in my life? How He never, ever fails to amaze me with his love, that I did absolutely nothing to deserve, yet He continues to pour out so freely only because I believed?
Who wouldn't want to continuously boast about the glorious Son of God, without whom I can do nothing, but WITH WHOM I CAN DO ALL THINGS?
It is not just a matter of desire that I say these things tonight, but one of obedience. God tells us over and over again in His Word, to tell others about Him. Those of us who are familiar with the Scripture to some degree, have read this many times, yet so many are reluctant to talk to other people about what their Savior, Jesus Christ, has done in their lives!
I was recently picking up a new pair of glasses at the local mall, and overheard a couple talking about the delicious dinner they had just finished. They said they were completely stuffed, and really needed a nap! Funny how good food universally makes us want to sleep! So, being the "social butterfly" that I tend to be (which sometimes seems to embarrass my poor husband and son, who remember "not to talk to strangers...) I asked them where they had eaten. They made the food sound SO GOOD, I was ready to run wherever they had been to ahve my own dinner there! They were so happy to tell me about the place, the great service they had, the reasonable prices... As a matter of fact, they had no complaints! And because of their strong recommendation, I'm likely to try this place out sometime soon! Likewise, had I had a similar experience, I'd certainly tell my friends!
I have been given a story to tell, too. Mine isn't about a restaurant, though. Mine is about the Creator of the Universe! The Savior of the world! My Provider, The Wonderful Counselor, the Lamb of God, the
bright and Morning Star!!!!!
If you had just eaten the most tender of steaks, with yummy sweet potatoes smothered in creamy butter and cinnamon-sugar, with a side of freshly-picked snap peas from the garden at a new restaurant, and would tell a stranger in an eyglass store about it, then why woudn't you be even more anxious to tell a good friend, or even a stranger, the story of Jesus, the Bread of Life?!? (Can you tell I'm in the mood to go to Outback?!)
"Isn't witnessing a job for trained people, like Pastors or something?"
2 Corinthians 5:18-21 tells us "We are Christ's ambassadors...God uses us to speak to you." Every believer is an 'ambassador' of Christ to a non-believing world.
"I wouldn't know what to say! What if people think I'm too pushy?"
In the Bible, even those who knew Jesus best sometimes struggled and hesitated to witness.
"...but no one had the courage to speak favorably about him (Jesus) in public." (John 7: 12-13)
But still, they did! Your anxiety or nervousness is natural. We all sometimes struggle with the possibility of being rejected or being seen as foolish. The following verse helps me out when this lie creeps into my mind as I speak with someone. I think this is the 3rd time I am quoting this in the past week, so God must think its important, or He wouldn't keep putting it on my heart!
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because they do as God requires. (Matt. 5:10) We should expect that non-believers may or will reject what we have to say. But consider this: what if they wouldn't have rejected you? What if they are open to hearing, are seeking God, and you fail to open your mouth that day? And may I even go so far as to suggest that Jesus could return any day now, and what if He does, just as you are walking away from those expectant strangers, and you just made a decision not to do your job? The answers to these questions have ETERNAL SIGNIFICANCE! Understanding, of course, that we could not save ourselves, and we certainly can't save anyone else, and that nobody's blood is on your hands, don't you think you would have kicked yourself, and said, "What if...?"
In Matthew 18:12-14, we read...."it is not my Father's will that even one of these little ones should perish." He wants us to tell others how they can know Him! So, tell them!
The Apostle Paul is a great example of a witness to Jesus through his actions as documented in the Book of Acts. Here was a Jewish man, who had previously committed to persecuting as many Christians as he could. But immediately after God met him on the road to Damascus, he immediately began to testify that Jesus IS the Messiah! And he never stopped witnessing.
"..a large number of people came to Paul's house. He told them about the Kingdom of God and taught them about Jesus from the Scriptures." (Acts 9:1-28; 28:20-31)
And the stories of his testimony go on and on...
Maybe you are thinking this: I've witnessed to friends before, but they don't seeem interested.
I will agree that most of my own friends really don't want to hear another word about my Jesus, and so maybe telling them isn't the answer! For me, the answer is this: My actions are, in themselves, a testimony to the world.
Good or bad, once you tell people you are a Christian, all eyes are on you, and they are just waiting...waiting for you to make one big mistake! They are waiting for you to be impolite, unforgiving, hypocritical, and just out and out sinful, so that they can call you on it! What does this mean to me? It means I had better get out there, every single day of my life, after spending a good amount of time in prayer, and try to live out my life, one moment at a time, in a way that lines straight up with God's Word; in a way that allows for God to use me in any way He sees fit; in a way that is without reproach, being fully aware that I am still living in a world filled with temptation and evil. And through it all, pray that the light of Jesus will shine through me.
I started this by saying that I don't like redundancy, but I think this bears repeating: Your actions are, in themselves, a testimony to the world! If you want to reach the world for Christ, be sure that your actions are not making people think, "I wonder what's wrong with her?!?!" But instead, let the world look on, maybe scratch their heads, and say, "I don't know what she's got, but whatever it is, I WANT IT TOO."
So, Father God, thank you so much for the words you have impressed upon me to share tonight. I know I am not always the best example of terrific Christian living, but Lord, I do try. And inasmuch as I know that I have not nearly arrived, I know that you have me on a wonderfully exciting journey. I'm not certain of what you have in store for me, but I'll take whatever it is as it comes, and carry it out with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I know that I may stumble along the way, but Lord, I know that you are with me, and you will direct my path. Let my daily actions be pleasing in your sight, and please, Father God, give me the courage to continue to speak out, to reach a lost and dying world for you. Please forgive me where I have failed you, as I will work to correct those things you have so lovingly revealed to me, and let me be a light unto someone's way, that they might come to know the life-giving love that can only come from the acceptance of Jesus Christ. For there is no way to the Father but through your Son Jesus. And it is in His name I pray. Amen.
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago