We Americans have some funny was to say "Calm down."
"Don't be such a WORRY WART!"
"You're getting yourself in a TIZZY!"
Or, my son Joshua's favorite,"CHILL, MOM!"
"Chill, Mom?" I've raised him for 14 years to hear THIS?!
I like this thought best: Don't worry about anything! Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all that He has done. If you do this, you will experience the Peace of God that passes all human understanding! And God will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6,7 NLT)
This is one of my very favorite passages in the Bible. I read it when I need to "Chill!" I read these words, and I can R E L A X ! ! ! I feel this way every single time I open my Bible. It is looking a little tattered these days, but I like it that way. Kind of like the chair in my office here (See My Profileif you care about my chair!) It is eaier to find things when th pages are curled up at the ends. I can always tell where I have had my greatest needs met or encouragement from God in the past 15 years! Better I should turn to where the pages are a little smoother?! Maybe I would learn a little something more!
What do YOU do to "Chill?" Have you ever read this wonderful passage of Scripture? The one that I adore so much that I can find it with my eyes closed because the edges are curled?
PRAY for the Peace that passes all understanding! I can PROMISE that if you put this Principle into practice in YOUR life, too, you WILL feel this peace, becasue GOD PROMISED! And GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES! ( Heb. 10:23) So you don't need to take MY word for it!
After all, you may not even know me! I am just a silly Jewish Christian girl from a small town in Pennsylvania, so what do I know?
What was that?
Were you asking, what do I know?
I will tell you! Stay tuned! I'm going to talk to my Dad about it first...
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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