"So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed, On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it Holy, because it was the day when He rested from the work of creation. This is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth." (Gen. 2:1-4 NLT)
He rested! My God, who wakes me in the middle of the night to write this, HE RESTED.
Why did God need to rest? Yes, I would need to rest, had I created an entire Universe in less than a week (That's GGT: Greater God Time...) But the Creator of the Universe? The Omnipotent Lord on High? I don't think He would be so physically tired to take a whole 24 hours (GGT) to rest! Why would He make it a specific point to rest. He is telling US to rest. The story is for US! The Bible is our Instuction Manual for living. And are we not OH, SO BUSY?! I am So, So busy, that I can't get everything done! But God says, REST.
Not only did God rest, but He declared His day of rest HOLY! HOLY?! HOLY MOLY! A DAY OF REST? We do not rest! Sunday? It is a CRAZY day here! We get up very early to pray before church, get there early, because they make very good free coffee (or you can get a Cappuccino for $1 USD if you'd like!) Actually, we have many excellent books, tapes, bibles, CDs, and DVDs available for any who will come! Then, sometimes we stay for some more church, becasue we love to Praise God and hear the Gospel, (and see what jokes Pastor Steve decided to leave out the 2nd time, because maybe it wasn't so funny the 1st time, he thought?) Or perhaps an extra pearl of wisdom from God, prophesied over, maybe ME? Then, of course we are very hungry after church, even if we have just eaten, and there are errands, laundry, cleaning up after the new puppy, and shopping at the Market, and of course I am Blogging the Bible in a Year, so that keeps me VERY busy now. And of course, there are friends, and family, and prayer. So, by the time there is time to rest, it is Monday, and it is no longer the 7th day, but the 1st, and so it goes....
"And God blessed the 7th Day and He declared it Holy..."
We need our rest. Work is a good thing! But God ALSO knew that we would need to cease from our work and busy-ness to care for our spiritual and physical needs. Work must be balanced by regular attention to Prayer and Worship, and Meditation, and also for the health of our souls.
Do you take a regular time of rest? Set a time each day. (You know you can do it....) Make it a habit. Do it every single day, just for a bit. Read God's Word. Get spiritually and physically fed! You cannot serve God if you are not in good shape, inside and out!
"He declared it Holy!" If you cannot do it for yourself, then just do it because it is in the Book of Genesis, which, as I said another day, is very, very good reading! And, as I also said, I happen to know the Author personally, and it would make Him very happy for ME to rest as well, so I bid you good night. My work is finished, and now I will rest.
June Newsletter Tutorial
9 months ago
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