A Few thoughts of my Father...

A Few thoughts of my Father...
Because You Never Know Who's Reading!

About Me

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Gilbertsville, PA, United States
It is only by the grace of God that I am sitting here today and writing this. I thank Him for all He has done and is doing, and WILL DO in my life, and it is my prayer that anyone who is reading this today, whether you are a scrapbooker I know, on a Design Team with me, a co-worker, a friend from church, or someone who thinks they are reading this "by coincidence," I want you to know that God loves you, and once you know Him, nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Thanks for visiting me here. Love, Cindy


Monday, July 6, 2009

And so today is another day in my New Beginning, and still I feel as humbles has never felt.

A MIRACLE OCCURED IN MY LIFE this weekend! And now it is documented medically and phyhsically, and confirms this through testng, and tells me to be quiet and let the doctor TELL ME that I am healed. Because , in my immmaturity, I fear I may boast of the healing that had nothing to do with anythign I did to "deserve" it, but only becuase JESUS LOVES ME. And so the weekend has been full of Joy and gladness, and a little fear, and a little duobt, and a lot of humility and awe of the God...MY God, who met with me on the floor of the church yesterday.

Now, with the physical, documented, medical confirmation of my healing.... In the Bible, when peple we ehealed, they sometimes danced in the streets, prolaiming what GOd has done. I am to meditate on what He has done, and then I will listen. And whether others disbelieve or are suspicious of my story, I cannot do anhthing about that, for I have not been given wisdom in this arena. All I can do is to Sing of His Love, and Rest.

I read in the Bible where demos flee and blind eyes couod see and the lame could walk!
And I was lame...And now, I WALK! And, still, I am not in pain.

And I have been Praising God today, and telling of His Miracle, done in me! And in my immaturity, I will look to those wiser than myself in these things of God, and seek thier wise counsel daily, or as often as they are able.

And Lew and I are alone this week while Josh is at Youth Camp Destin, on the beach, right now, as I write, they are in their Service. And now that I have been healed and delived and Saved, my husband and I can work together on our relationship with each-other and with God, And so we prayed. I have never enjyd my husband sio much as I have this weekend! And never has he been so responsive to what I needed from my husband, who is a simple man, but much wiser than I am on this day. I will go and get quiet. I will, again and continually be so, so greatful to My God, who has delivered me, healed me, and giving me a New Beginning!

So, now, again I will try to rest...in His Salvation. Rest...In His perfect love. Rest...that He loves me, and I that I am His child, and He is my Heavenly Father, whom I love more and more with each passing sliver of a second. And if I sleep, I sleep. And if I dont', I don't. And it is ALL GOOD, and it is All GOD.

God Loves Family!

So, did you read any more of the Story yet? I have read, and I have heard, and I will share it with you as well!

God tells us of his first Man and Woman,and of their CHILDREN! Adam and Eve had many, many children, and GOd doesnt' tell us exactly how many, but He speaks specifically of 3 of their Sons: Cain, Abel, and then Seth. He lived so long and had so many children, but God doesn't count how many. Some things He counts for us, and some things, He doesn't count for us, and one day I will ask Him about this! Because it MUST be important, or it wouldnt' be written!

So, I digress, to say that I am guilty of skipping over many begats and begets, and the sons of this Rabbi, etc. How about you? Today, though is a New Day, and I did NOT SKIP TODAY! And because I read ALL of it, I was reminded of Enoch, SMACK DAB in the middle of Gen. 5, who "suddenly disappeared, because God TOOK Him!" (Gen. 5:24) Now, I have known of Enoch being taken by God, one of 2 who didn't die, but on THIS day, I meditated on that verse for quite some time, and wondered why God took Enoch, and for what purpose, and finally concluded that God chose not to share that, and just Praised Him that I, too, will be with Him! Sometimes its simple. And most times, we make it hard.

So, again I come to CHOICES. And we all have a choice about the things we do, and the paths we will follow. And I thought of my own choices, and I know today that many of them haven't been very wise ones. But because of New Beginnings, I made a life-altering choice today. One that changed my Eternity~! And the choices we make DO change our Eternity, and you DO need to believe THAT. But I was only given a job to tell the story to some who might want to hear it. The Whole Story. That's what God Said. Amen.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

**FIRE FALLS AT MSF on Independence Sunday!**


For those of you who know me, are you not SO TIRED of hearing me talk about this terribly PAINFUL CYST behind my silly left knee? The knee that I had CUT OPEN only last month, and was to have this CYST REMOVED later in the week? The one which made it so that I could not walk?!?!

I was on my face before GOD this morning at Morning Star Fellowship (MSF) in the 9:00 AM "Call 2 Fall" Service for Independence Day Sunday! Pastor Steven DeFrain had preached from 2 Chronicles (do you know it, or shall I tell you? I will tell!)

"IF my people, who are called by My Name will humble themselves and PRAY and SEEK my face, and TURN from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land!" (2 Chron. 7:14 NLT)

So, we did this, and I while I was praying, I had a vision of myself being healed in a disappearing Hospital, that I will tell you of another day, and when I rose up from the floor into my seat, I AM HEALED! THE CYST IS GONE AND I HAVE NO PAIN!!!

"...and they praised the Lord, saying, HE IS SO GOOD! HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!!!! (2 Cron 7:3 NLT)

I would like to stay here now, but I must go and spread this wonderful news of the MIRACLE that OCCURRED! YOU SPREAD THE WORD, TOO!!!!

Loving HIM,

And on the 7th Day, He rested.

"So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed, On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it Holy, because it was the day when He rested from the work of creation. This is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth." (Gen. 2:1-4 NLT)

He rested! My God, who wakes me in the middle of the night to write this, HE RESTED.
Why did God need to rest? Yes, I would need to rest, had I created an entire Universe in less than a week (That's GGT: Greater God Time...) But the Creator of the Universe? The Omnipotent Lord on High? I don't think He would be so physically tired to take a whole 24 hours (GGT) to rest! Why would He make it a specific point to rest. He is telling US to rest. The story is for US! The Bible is our Instuction Manual for living. And are we not OH, SO BUSY?! I am So, So busy, that I can't get everything done! But God says, REST.

Not only did God rest, but He declared His day of rest HOLY! HOLY?! HOLY MOLY! A DAY OF REST? We do not rest! Sunday? It is a CRAZY day here! We get up very early to pray before church, get there early, because they make very good free coffee (or you can get a Cappuccino for $1 USD if you'd like!) Actually, we have many excellent books, tapes, bibles, CDs, and DVDs available for any who will come! Then, sometimes we stay for some more church, becasue we love to Praise God and hear the Gospel, (and see what jokes Pastor Steve decided to leave out the 2nd time, because maybe it wasn't so funny the 1st time, he thought?) Or perhaps an extra pearl of wisdom from God, prophesied over, maybe ME? Then, of course we are very hungry after church, even if we have just eaten, and there are errands, laundry, cleaning up after the new puppy, and shopping at the Market, and of course I am Blogging the Bible in a Year, so that keeps me VERY busy now. And of course, there are friends, and family, and prayer. So, by the time there is time to rest, it is Monday, and it is no longer the 7th day, but the 1st, and so it goes....

"And God blessed the 7th Day and He declared it Holy..."

We need our rest. Work is a good thing! But God ALSO knew that we would need to cease from our work and busy-ness to care for our spiritual and physical needs. Work must be balanced by regular attention to Prayer and Worship, and Meditation, and also for the health of our souls.

Do you take a regular time of rest? Set a time each day. (You know you can do it....) Make it a habit. Do it every single day, just for a bit. Read God's Word. Get spiritually and physically fed! You cannot serve God if you are not in good shape, inside and out!

"He declared it Holy!" If you cannot do it for yourself, then just do it because it is in the Book of Genesis, which, as I said another day, is very, very good reading! And, as I also said, I happen to know the Author personally, and it would make Him very happy for ME to rest as well, so I bid you good night. My work is finished, and now I will rest.



We Americans have some funny was to say "Calm down."
"Don't be such a WORRY WART!"
"You're getting yourself in a TIZZY!"
Or, my son Joshua's favorite,"CHILL, MOM!"

"Chill, Mom?" I've raised him for 14 years to hear THIS?!

I like this thought best: Don't worry about anything! Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all that He has done. If you do this, you will experience the Peace of God that passes all human understanding! And God will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6,7 NLT)

This is one of my very favorite passages in the Bible. I read it when I need to "Chill!" I read these words, and I can R E L A X ! ! ! I feel this way every single time I open my Bible. It is looking a little tattered these days, but I like it that way. Kind of like the chair in my office here (See My Profileif you care about my chair!) It is eaier to find things when th pages are curled up at the ends. I can always tell where I have had my greatest needs met or encouragement from God in the past 15 years! Better I should turn to where the pages are a little smoother?! Maybe I would learn a little something more!

What do YOU do to "Chill?" Have you ever read this wonderful passage of Scripture? The one that I adore so much that I can find it with my eyes closed because the edges are curled?

PRAY for the Peace that passes all understanding! I can PROMISE that if you put this Principle into practice in YOUR life, too, you WILL feel this peace, becasue GOD PROMISED! And GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES! ( Heb. 10:23) So you don't need to take MY word for it!

After all, you may not even know me! I am just a silly Jewish Christian girl from a small town in Pennsylvania, so what do I know?
What was that?
Were you asking, what do I know?
I will tell you! Stay tuned! I'm going to talk to my Dad about it first...


In The Beginning. The Beginning of all Beginnings!--Everything was fresh and brand new! God spoke a Word, and the World came to be! God breathed, and New Life had begun! God created a Perfect World. A Garden! A Garden SO BEAUTIFUL that you could not even BEGIN to imagine in your wildest of dreams! A Garden~~in one little corner of God's new Wide Universe! And in the Garden, there were beautiful trees, with hundreds of varieties of fruits~~Fruits so delectable, that you have never imagined anything so delicious!

And God breathed, and there was a Man. And then from Man, a Woman.

In The Beginning. The Beginning of All Things Wild and Wonderful and Beautiful and Bright as the Morning Star!

But the World God created, In The Begininning, is unknown to us now. It is no longer so beautiful.

WHAT HAPPENED? (You will not be sorry you asked!)

God gave Man and Woman a choice. God let them CHOOSE while they were in this Fabulous Garden! This Wonderful Masterful Garden in the corner of the Universe. He gave them a wild and dangerous and thing called "FREE WILL" that allowed Man and Woman to decide. He gave them a CHOICE.

You see, they were DECEIVED! They were deceived by the Evil One, who told them they ate from a Tree~One Tree in the Beautiful Garden--that Marvelous Tree~~the ONE TREE that GOD told them NOT to eat from...They could eat from EVERY OTHER DELECTABLE FRUIT TREE IN THE GARDEN! Except for one. If they CHOSE to eat from the Fruit of This Tree in the Middle of the Garden, they would Surely DIE! GOD told them this Himself! They were DECEIVED into thinking that IF they ate from This Tree in the Middle of the Garden, they would have ALL KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL, of RIGHT and WRONG! THEY WOULD BE LIKE GOD!!! ALL-KNOWING!

And So They Did! Why is it that we ALWAYS want to do the ONE thing we're not supposed to?! "Dont' you TOUCH that little toy train, Johnny! You can play with ALL the other toys in the WHOLE TOY STORE, but Do Not Touch That Train! And so he does!

The Woman ate from the Tree, and she even gave some Fruit from this Tree to the Man she was made to HELP! And they were ashamed.

And WHO do you think SAW THEM?
(This is not a trick question!)

GOD came down and took a walk in the Garden. "ADAM! Where ARE you?!" "EVE?" (You KNEW their names, didn't you? I didnt HAVE to say them 'til now!) "WHAT DID YOU DO?"
(As if He didnt know...!) "Did You eat fromThe Tree? The One in the Middle of the Garden? The ONE I TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT FROM?" (BOLD TYPE over there indicate tht God was angry, by the way...)

"SHE MADE ME!" said Adam. Men always blaming their wives for everything, as usual....!

And so, with Free Will, and the eating the Fruit fo the one Forbidden Tree, God gave His Creatures the abilty to choose, and they did not choose wisely...And then began this age of Darkness and Despair that we live in today.

But this is not the end of the story! For God So Loved The World...

Is it time for a New Beginning for you? We people become restless...discontent with what we have...with what we are! The Grass Is Always Greener Mentality! So, we look for a New Beginning! And AGAIN we make bad choices! And we begin once again...and again.

BUT, If you make your New Beginnning WITH GOD...! KNOWING the Perfect Will of God Himself, KNOWING that HE CARES about us, and that He Keeps ALL His Promises (Heb. 10:23) then we can have a Wild and Wonderful and Beautiful Beginning with WITH the BRIGHT and MORNING STAR! THEN we will make the right choices, and NEVER DIE!

And there will be a New Beginning, and we will SHARE it together!

You will join me, won't you?!

Believe me, you will NOT want to miss this!

P.S. I am going to sleep now, but if you would like to know what happened next in the Story I am telling you about, then open up your Bible. YES! You heard me! That book that your Grandmother gave you for your Confirmation? IN 1972? The One in the box with all the DUST?! Yes, THAT'S the one! Open it! READ it!!! YOU WILL SEE! It's really not bad reading! I happen to know the Author personally...

